owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Pre-tensioner seat belt system
rial near the seatback or by installing(front seats)system should be done by an INFINITI
additional trim material, such as seat dealer. Installation of electrical equip-
covers, around the side air bag.WARNING ment should also be done by an
O Work around and on the side air bag INFINITI dealer. Unauthorized elec-
and curtain side-impact air bag system trical test equipment and probing de-
should be done by an INFINITI dealer.O The pre-tensioner seat belt cannot bevices should not be used on the pre-
Installation of electrical equipmentreused after activation. It must be re-tensioner seat belt system.
should also be done by an INFINITIplaced together with the retractor andO If you need to dispose of the pre-
dealer. The SRS wiring harnesses*buckle as a unit.tensioner or scrap the vehicle, contact
should not be modified or discon-O If the vehicle becomes involved in aan INFINITI dealer. Correct preten-
nected. Unauthorized electrical testfrontal collision but the pre-tensioner issioner disposal procedures are set forth
equipment and probing devices shouldnot activated, be sure to have the pre-in the appropriate INFINITI Service
not be used on the side air bag system.tensioner system checked and, if nec-Manual. Incorrect disposal procedures
* The SRS wiring harnesses connectorsessary, replaced by your INFINITIcould cause personal injury.
are yellow and orange for easy identifi-dealer.
cation. O No unauthorized changes should be The front seat pre-tensioner seat belt sys-
made to any components or wiring oftem activates in conjunction with the
the pre-tensioner seat belt system. Thissupplemental air bag systems. Working
When selling your vehicle, we requestis to prevent accidental activation of with the seat belt retractor, it helps
that you inform the buyer about the sidethe pre-tensioner seat belt or damagetighten the seat belt when the vehicle be-
air bag and curtain side-impact air bagto the pre-tensioner seat belt opera- comes involved in certain types of colli-
system and guide the buyer to the appro-tion. Tampering with the pre-tensionersions, helping to restrain front seat occu-
priate sections in this Owner’s Manual.seat belt system may result in seriouspants.
personal injury. The pre-tensioner is encased with the
O Work around and on the pre-tensionerseat belt’s retractor. These seat belts are
used the same as conventional seat belts.
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-43
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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