owners manual Honda Accord
owners manual Honda Accord - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Honda Accord VIII 8 owners manual EN
pdf (8.28 MB) 416 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda Accord, year of production 2008 - 2015:
Table of Contents
Protecting Children ʵGeneralGuidelines
or killed in vehicle crashes becauseChildren who are unrestrained
they are either unrestrained or notor improperly restrained can beDr
properly restrained. In fact, vehicleseriously injured or killed in av
accidents are the number one causecrash. er
of death of children age 12 and and
under. Anychildtoosmallforaseat P
belt should be properly asseng
Toreducethenumberof child restrained in a child seat. A
deaths and injuries, every state,larger child should be properlyer
Canadianprovinceandterritoryrestrained with a seat belt andSaf
requires that infants and children beuseaboosterseatifnecessary.e
Children dependonadultstoprotectproperlyrestrainedwhentheyridein y
them.However,despitetheir besta vehicle.
intentions, many adults do not know Largerchildrenmust berestrained
howtoproperlyprotect child Infants and small children must bewithalap/shoulderbelt andrideon
passengers. restrained in an approved child seatabooster seat until the seat belt fits
that is properly secured to thethemproperly
(see pages 47ʵ50).
If you have children, or ever need tovehicle(see pages38 ʵ46).
drive with a child in your vehicle, be
sure to read this section. It begins
with important general guidelines,
thenpresentsspecialinformation for
infants, small children, and larger

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year of production from: 2008

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Honda Accord VIII 8 owners manual
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