owners manual Honda Accord
owners manual Honda Accord - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Honda Accord VIII 8 owners manual EN
pdf (8.28 MB) 416 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda Accord, year of production 2008 - 2015:
Table of Contents
AdditionalInformationAbout YourAirbags
If the indicator comes on with no AirbagService TheSRSindicatoralertsyoutoa
front seat passenger and no objects Yourairbagsystemsarevirtually problem.Takeyourvehicletoan
ontheseat,orwithanadultriding maintenance free, and there are no authorizeddealer as soon as
there, something may be interfering parts you can safely service. possible. If you ignore this Dr
with the weight sensors. Look for However,youmusthaveyour indication, your airbags may not v
andremove: vehicle serviced if: operate properly. er
Anyitemsunderthefront Anairbageverinflates.Anyairbag If your vehicle has a moderate to P
passenger’s seat. that has deployed must be severeimpact.Evenif your asseng
replaced along with the control airbags do not inflate, your dealer
Anyobject hanging on the seat or unit and other related parts. Any should inspect the driver’s seat er
in the seat-back pocket. seat belt tensioner that activates position sensor, the front Saf
must also be replaced. passenger’s weight sensors, the e
Anyobject(s) touching the rear of front seat belt tensioners, and all y
theseat-back. Donottrytoremoveorreplace seat belts and their anchors worn
anyairbagbyyourself.Thismust during a crash to make sure they
If no obstructions are found, have bedonebyanauthorizeddealeror are operating properly.
your vehicle checked by a dealer as a knowledgeable body shop.

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year of production from: 2008

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Honda Accord VIII 8 owners manual
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