owners manual Honda Accord
owners manual Honda Accord - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Honda Accord VIII 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda Accord, year of production 2008 - 2015:
Table of Contents
Protecting Children ʵ GeneralGuidelines
If YouMustDrivewithSeveral If a Child Requires Close AdditionalSafetyPrecautions
Children Attention Neverholdaninfantorchildon
Yourvehiclehasabackseatwhere Manyparentssaytheyprefertoput yourlap.If you are not wearing a
children can be properly restrained. aninfant or a small child in the front seat belt in a crash, you could be
If you ever have to carry a group of passenger seat so they can watch the thrownforwardandcrushthe
children, and a child must ride in child, or because the child requires child against the dashboard or a
front: attention. seat-back. If you are wearing a
seat belt, the child can be torn
Place the largest child in the front Placing a child in the front seat fromyourarmsandbeseriously
seat, provided the child is large exposesthechildtohazardsina hurt or killed.
enoughtowearthelap/shoulder frontal collision, and paying close
belt properly (see page 47). attention to a child distracts the Neverput aseat belt over yourself
driver fromtheimportant tasksof andachild.Duringacrash,the
Movethevehicleseatasfartothe driving, placing both of you at risk. belt could press deep into the child
rear as possible (see pages andcauseseriousorfatalinjuries.
92 and 93 ). If a child requires close physical
attention or frequent visual Neverlettwochildrenusethe
Havethechildsit upright and well contact, we strongly recommend sameseat belt. If they do, they
backintheseat(seepage15 ). that another adult ride with the could be very seriously injured in a
child in a back seat. The back seat crash.
Makesuretheseatbeltisproperly is far safer for a child than the
positioned and secured (see page front.
14 ).

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year of production from: 2008

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