owners manual Hyundai i10
owners manual Hyundai i10 - year of production: 2013 - Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire FR
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai i10, year of production 2013:
Table des matières
Système d’alarme antivol ···············································4-13T
Système de chauffage
Système de commande automatique Tableau de bord, voir combiné d'instruments················4-44
de la climatisation·······················································4-88Témoin············································································4-54
Système de commande manuelle de la climatisation···4-80
Système de Climatisation ···············································4-85Témoin d’airbag······························································3-45
Contrôle d’admission d’air···········································4-83Témoin d’avertissement de ceinture de sécurité············3-14
Filtre à air de la climatisation·······································4-87Témoin lumineux····························································4-54
Réglage de la vitesse de ventilation·····························4-84Temps écoulé(Ordinateur de bord)·································4-51
Chauffage et air conditionné········································4-81Trappe a carburant··························································4-31
Sélection de mode·························································4-82U
Contrôle de la température···········································4-83Urgence durant la conduite···············································6-2
Système de commande manuelle de la climatisation
Liquide frigorigène de l’air conditionné
et de lubrifiant du compresseur··································4-87
Systeme de freinage························································5-21
Système de Freinage Antiblocage (ABS)·····················5-24
Disques de frein ···························································5-22
Frein de stationnement ·················································5-22
Système de Freinage Antiblocage (ABS)·······················5-24
Système de retenue pour enfant······································3-24
Ceintures de sécurité·····················································3-13
T 8
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year of production from: 2013
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Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire
pages 461 - 466
Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire
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