owners manual Hyundai i10
owners manual Hyundai i10 - year of production: 2013 - Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire FR
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai i10, year of production 2013:
Table des matières
Vérifiez la pression de gonflage des pneus····················7-33
Verrouillage de la portières ············································4-15
Commutateur de verrouillage centralisé de portes·······4-19
Verrouillage portières arrières-Sécurité enfants···········4-20
Vignette de certification ···················································8-9
Vignette de certification du véhicule································8-9
Vignette de specification et de pression des pneus········8-10
Vitesse moyenne (Ordinateur de bord)···························4-51
Interrupteur de verrouillage lève-vitres électriques ·····4-27
Volant de direction ·························································4-38
Direction assistée (EPS)···············································4-38
Basculement du Volant·················································4-38
Vue d’ensemble de l’habitacle ·········································2-4
Vue d’ensemble du tableau de bord·································2-6
T 9
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year of production from: 2013
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Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire
pages 462 - 466
Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire
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