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owners manual Hyundai i10

owners manual Hyundai i10 - year of production: 2013 - Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire FR

Document: pdf (43.15 MB) 466 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai i10, year of production 2013:
Table des matières Description du panneau de fusibles/relais····················7-46 Liquide de refroidissement·············································7-13 Fusibles du tableau de bord··········································7-47Liquide de refroidissement du moteur····························7-13 Fusible principal ··························································7-45Liquide de refroidissement, Fusibles du tableau de bord············································7-43Voir liquide de refroidissement du moteur··················7-13 H Liquide frigorigène de l’air conditionné et de lubrifiant du compresseur········································4-87 Huile de moteur······························································7-12Liquide lave-glace···························································7-19 I Liquides Liquide de boîte automatique··························7-17 Liquide de freins/embrayage········································7-16 Imobilizer system ·····························································4-4Liquide lave-glace························································7-19 Indicateurs de direction···················································4-68Lubrifiants et capacités·····················································8-6 Interrupteur à fusibles·····················································7-44Lubrifiants et capacités recommendés······························8-6 Interrupteur de verrouillage lève-vitres électriques········4-27 Indices SAE recommandés·············································8-7 J Lumières d’habitacle·······················································4-76 Lampe d’habitacle ·······················································4-77 Jauge à carburant····························································4-47Lampe de compartiment à bagages······························4-77 Jauge de température du liquide de refroidissement ·····4-46 Jauges··············································································4-45M L Maintenance······································································7-8 Maintenance par le propriétaire········································7-8 Lampe d’habitacle···························································4-77Masse du véhicule···························································5-61 Lampe de compartiment à bagages································4-77Mode ECO ON/OFF·······················································4-52 Lave-glaces ····································································4-72Mode Sport ·····································································5-17 Le bouton d’essuie-glace/lave-glace arrière···················4-73 Moteur···············································································8-2 Liquide de boîte automatique·········································7-17Moteur ne démarre pas·····················································6-3 Liquide de embrayage·····················································7-16 Liquide de freins ····························································7-16 Liquide de freins/embrayage··········································7-16 T 5
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Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire
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