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owners manual Hyundai i10

owners manual Hyundai i10 - year of production: 2013 - Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire FR

Document: pdf (43.15 MB) 466 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai i10, year of production 2013:
Table des matières A B Accessoires intérieurs·····················································4-99Balais d’essuie-glaces (Maintenance)·····························7-24 Cendrier········································································4-99Basculement du Volant···················································4-38 Porte-gobelets·····························································4-100Basculer le véhicule························································5-47 Ancrage(s) de tapis de sol ·········································4-103Batterie············································································7-28 Prise électriques··························································4-101Besoins en carburant·························································1-3 Pare-soleil···································································4-100Boîte à gants ···································································4-98 Air bags···········································································3-38Boîte automatique···························································5-15 Etiquettes de mise en garde des airbags·······················3-50 Mode Sport···································································5-17 Témoin d’airbag···························································3-45Boîte manuelle································································5-12 Airbag frontal conducteur et passager··························3-41 Boîte-pont Boîte automatique·········································5-15 Composants et fonctions du SRS·································3-44Boîte-pont Boîte manuelle··············································5-12 Airbag avant conducteur·················································3-41Bouton de marche / arrêt du moteur·································5-7 Airbag avant passager·····················································3-41Bouton marche / arrêt, voir le bouton de marche / Ajustement de la hauteur ···············································3-16arrêt du moteur ·····························································5-7 Ajustement des sièges arrière ··········································3-8 Ajustement des sièges avant·············································3-4C Alarm système································································4-13 Alignement des roues et équilibre des pneus·················7-35Cadran de bord································································4-44 Ancrage(s) de tapis de sol ············································4-103Jauges············································································4-45 Antenne de toit······························································4-104Cadrant indicateur de vitesse··········································4-45 Appuie-tête (siège arrière)················································3-8Capacités (lubrifiants)·······················································8-6 Appuie-tête (siège avant)··················································3-5Capot···············································································4-29 Avant de conduire·····························································5-4Ceinture de sécurité à pré-tension··································3-18 Avertisseur······································································4-40Ceinture sous-abdominale/diagonale······························3-16 Ceintures de sécurité Ajustement de la hauteur ·············································3-16 T 2
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Hyundai i10 II 2 manuel du proprietaire
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