owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
5. Determine the combined weight ofLOADINGTIPS ● Overloadingnotonlycanshorten
luggage and cargo being loaded on● The GVW must not exceed GVWRthe life of your vehicle and the
the vehicle. That weight may notorGAWR as specified on thetire, but can also cause unsafe
luggage load capacity calculated inlabel. ing distances. This may cause a
step 4. prematuretirefailurewhich
6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer,● Donotloadthefrontandrearaxle tocould result in a serious accident
load from your trailer will be trans-the GAWR.Doingsowillexceedtheand personal injury. Failures
GVWR. caused by overloading are not
ferred to your vehicle. Consult this coveredbythevehicle’swarranty.
manual to determine how this re- WARNING MEASUREMENTOFWEIGHTS
duces the available cargo and lug-
gage load capacity of your vehicle.● Properly secure all cargo withSecure loose items to prevent weight
Before driving a loaded vehicle, confirmropes or straps to help prevent itshifts that could affect the balance of your
that you do not exceed the Gross Vehiclefrom sliding or shifting. Do notvehicle. When the vehicle is loaded, drive
WeightRating(GVWR)ortheGrossAxleplace cargo higher than the seat-toascaleandweighthefrontandtherear
Weight Rating (GAWR) for your vehicle.backs. In a sudden stop or colli-wheels separately to determine axle
For additional information, refer to “Mea-sion,unsecured cargo couldloads. Individual axle loads should not ex-
cause personal injury. ceed either of the gross axle weight rat-
surement of weights”in this section.● Do not load your vehicle anyings (GAWR). The total of the axle loads
Also check tires for proper inflation pres-heavier than the GVWR or theshould not exceed the gross vehicle
sures. For additional information, refer tomaximumfrontandrearGAWRs.weight rating (GVWR). These ratings are
the “Tire and loading information label” inIf youdo,partsofyourvehiclecangiven on the vehicle certification label. If
this section. break, tire damage could occur,weight ratings are exceeded, move or re-
or it can change the way yourmoveitemstobringallweightsbelowthe
vehicle handles. This could resultratings.
in loss of control and cause per-
sonal injury.
Technical and consumer information 9-17

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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