owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● GVW(GrossVehicleWeight)-curb● Vehicle Capacity Weight, Load limit,VEHICLELOADCAPACITY
weight plus the combined weight ofTotal load capacity - maximum totalDo not exceed the load limit of your ve-
passengers and cargo.weight limit specified of the loadhicle shown as “The combined weight of
● GVWR(Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-(passengers and cargo) for the ve-occupants and cargo” on the Tire and
ing)-maximum total combinedhicle. This is the maximum combinedLoading Information label. Do not exceed
weight of the unloaded vehicle, pas-weight of occupants and cargo thatthe number of occupants shown as
sengers,luggage,hitch,trailercan be loaded into the vehicle. If the“Seating Capacity”on the Tire and Load-
tongue load and any other optionalvehicle is used to tow a trailer, theing Information label.
trailer tongue weight must be in-
equipment. This information is lo-cludedaspartofthecargoload.ThisTo get “the combined weight of occu-
cated on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S.information is located on the Tire andpants and cargo”, add the weight of all
certification label. Loading Information label.occupants, then add the total luggage
● GAWR(GrossAxleWeightRating)-● Cargo capacity - permissible weightweight.Examplesareshowninthefollow-
maximumweight(load)limitspecifiedof cargo, the subtracted weight ofing illustration.
for the front or rear axle. This informa-occupants from the load limit.
● GCWR (Gross Combined Weight
rating) - The maximum total weight
rating of the vehicle, passengers,
cargo, and trailer.
Technical and consumer information 9-15

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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