owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Oil viscosity Your engine was filled with a high-quality engineCAUTION
The engine oil viscosity or thickness changesoil when it was built. You do not have to change
the oil before the first recommended changeTheuseofanyotherrefrigerantoroilmay
with temperature. Because of this, it is importantinterval. Oil and filter change intervals dependcauseseveredamagetotheaircondition-
to select the engine oil viscosity based on theupon how you use your vehicle.ing system and will require the replace-
temperatures at which the vehicle will be oper- ment of all air conditioner system
ated before the next oil change. Choosing an oilOperation under the following conditions maycomponents.
viscosity other than that recommended couldrequire more frequent oil and filter changes:
cause serious engine damage. The refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) in your
● repeated short distance driving at cold out-NISSANvehicledoesnotharmtheearth’sozone
Selecting the correct oil filterside temperatures layer. Althoughthisrefrigerantdoesnotaffectthe
Your new NISSAN vehicle is equipped with a● driving in dusty conditionsearth’s atmosphere, certain government regula-
high-quality Genuine NISSAN oil filter. When tions require the recovery and recycling of any
replacing, use a Genuine NISSAN oil filter or its● extensive idlingrefrigerant during automotive air conditioner sys-
equivalent for the reason described in “Change● towing a trailertem service. A NISSAN dealer has the trained
intervals.” technicians and equipment needed to recover
● stop and go commuting and recycle your air conditioner system refriger-
Changeintervals ant.
Foradditional information, refer to “NISSAN Ser-It is recommended you visit a NISSAN dealer
The oil and oil filter change intervals for yourvice and Maintenance Guide” for the mainte-
engine are based on the use of the specifiednance schedule.whenservicing your air conditioner system.
quality oils and filters. Using engine oil and filtersAIR CONDITIONERSYSTEM
that are not of the specified quality, or exceeding
recommended oil and filter change intervalsREFRIGERANTANDOIL
could reduce engine life. Damage to the engineRECOMMENDATIONS
rect oil and filter quality and/or viscosity is notTheair conditioner system in your NISSAN
covered by the NISSAN New Vehicle Limitedvehicle must be charged with the refriger-
Warranty. ant HFC-134a (R-134a) and NISSAN A/C
system oil Type S (DH-PS) or the exact
Technical and consumer information 9-7

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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