owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● If an oxygenate-blend other thanIf any driveability problems such as engine stall-Fuel containing MMT
methanol blend is used, it should con-inganddifficulthot-startingareexperiencedafterMMT, or methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tri-
tain no more than 10% oxygenate.usingoxygenate-blendfuels,immediately
(MTBE may, however, be added up tochange to a non-oxygenate fuel or a fuel with acarbonyl,isanoctaneboostingadditive.NISSAN
15%.) low blend of MTBE. does not recommend the use of fuel containing
● E-15fuel contains more than 10% oxy- MMT.Suchfuelmayadverselyaffectvehicleper-
genate. E-15 fuel will adversely affectTake care not to spill gasoline during refu-formance, including the emissions control sys-
the emission control devices and sys-eling. Gasoline containing oxygenates cantem. Note that while some fuel pumps label MMT
tems of the vehicle and should not because paint damage.content, not all do, so you may have to consult
used. Damage caused by such fuel isE–15fuelyour gasoline retailer for more details.
not covered by the NISSAN New Ve-E-15 fuel is a mixture of approximately 15% fuelAftermarket fuel additives
hicle Limited Warranty.ethanol and 85% unleaded gasoline. E-15 canNISSAN does not recommend the use of any
● If a methanol blend is used, it shouldonly be used in vehicles designed to run on E-15aftermarket fuel additives (for example, fuel injec-
contain no more than 5% methanolfuel. Do not use E-15 in your vehicle. U.S. gov-tor cleaner, octane booster, intake valve deposit
(methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). Iternmentregulationsrequirefuelethanoldispens-removers, etc.) which are sold commercially.
should also contain a suitable amounting pumps to be identified with small, square,Manyoftheseadditivesintendedforgum,varnish
of appropriate cosolvents and corro-orange and black label with the common abbre-ordepositremovalmaycontainactivesolventsor
sion inhibitors. If not properly formu-viation or the appropriate percentage for thatsimilar ingredients that can be harmful to the fuel
lated with appropriate cosolvents andregion.system and engine.
corrosion inhibitors, such methanol Octane rating tips
blends may cause fuel system damageE–85fuel
and/or vehicle performance problems. Using unleaded gasoline with an octane
Atthistime,sufficientdataisnotavail-E-85 fuel is a mixture of approximately 85% fuelrating lower than recommended can cause
abletoensurethatallmethanolblendsethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline. E-85 canpersistent, heavy “spark knock.” (“Spark
are suitable for use in NISSAN ve-only be used in a Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV). Doknock” is a metallic rapping noise.) If se-
hicles. not use E-85 in your vehicle. U.S. governmentvere,thiscanleadtoenginedamage.Ifyou
regulationsrequirefuelethanol dispensingdetectapersistentheavysparkknockeven
pumpstobeidentifiedbyasmall,square,orangewhen using gasoline of the stated octane
andblack label with the common abbreviation orrating, or if you hear steady spark knock
the appropriate percentage for that region.while holding a steady speed on level
Technical and consumer information 9-5

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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