owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Warning! G Switch off DISTRONICPlus: iDo not use DISTRONICPlus if you are driv-
ing on a road with steep uphill or downhill slopes.
when changing from the left to the right
The “Resume” function should only be oper-lane if vehicles are moving more slowly iDue to its radar-emitting nature DISTRONIC
ated if the driver is fully aware of the previ-in the left lanePlus may have an appearance similar to a radar
ously set speed and wishes to resume this when entering a turn lane or highway off detector to law enforcement officials. You may
particular preset speed. ramp want to refer to this section of your Operator’s
Manual when asked.
in complex driving situations, such as in
highway construction zonesiUSA only:
Warning! G In these situations, DISTRONICPlus will This device has been approved by the FCC as a
“Vehicular Radar System”. The radar sensor is
continue to maintain the set speed unless intended for use in an automotive radar system
Close attention to road and traffic condi-deactivated.only. Removal, tampering, or altering of the de-
tions is imperative at all times, regardless of vice will void any warranties, and is not permitted
whether or not DISTRONIC Plus is activated.DISTRONICPlus is designed and intended by the FCC. Do not tamper with, alter, or use in
only to maintain a set speed and keep a set any non-approved way.
Use of DISTRONIC Plus can be dangerous distance from moving objects in front of it.
on winding roads as conditions do not allow Any unauthorized modification to this device
safe driving at a steady speed. could void the user’s authority to operate the
DISTRONICPlus may not react to stationary
objects in the roadway (e.g. a stopped vehi-
cle in a traffic jam or a disabled vehicle).
DISTRONICPlus will also not respond to on-
coming vehicles.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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