owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
DISTRONICPlus* When travelling in Canada in a vehicle not Warning! G
registered in Canada, you must switch off
When activated, the DISTRONIC Plus adap-the radar sensor system* (
tive cruise control system increases the Canadian law does not permit the use of DISTRONICPlus is a convenience system.
driving convenience afforded by the cruise the radar sensor system* ( page 272) for Its speed adjustment reduction capability is
control while traveling on expressways and vehicles from outside of Canada. When you intended to make the cruise control more ef-
other major roadways. switch off the radar sensor system*, the fective and usable when traffic speeds vary.
If the DISTRONIC Plus distance sensor following functions are deactivated:It is not however, intended to, nor does it, re-
detects a slower moving vehicle direct- BAS Plus* ( page 67) place the need for extreme care. The re-
ly ahead, your vehicle speed will be re- sponsibility for the vehicle speed and the
duced so that you follow that vehicle at DISTRONIC Plus distance to the vehicle ahead, including
your preset following distance. Park Assist* ( page 435) most importantly brake operation to assure
safe stopping distance, always remains with
If there is no vehicle directly ahead of PRE-SAFE Brake* ( page 73) the driver.
you, DISTRONIC Plus will function in DISTRONICPlus cannot take street and traf-
the same way as standard cruise con- fic conditions into account.
trol ( page 405).
DISTRONICPlus functions within a speed Complex driving situations are not always
range of 0 to 120 mph fully recognized by DISTRONIC Plus. This
(Canada: 0 to 200 km/h). could result in wrong or missing distance

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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