owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Warning! G Warning! G DISTRONICPlus does not act upon adverse
sight distance conditions. Do not use
DISTRONICPlus adaptive cruise control is DISTRONICPlus requires familiarity with its DISTRONICPlus during conditions of fog
no substitute for active driving involvement. operational characteristics. We strongly rec-and heavy rain, snow or sleet.
It does not react to pedestrians or stationary ommend that you review the following infor-
objects, nor does it recognize or predict the mation carefully before operating the Warning!G
curvature and lane layout or the movement system.
of vehicles ahead. DISTRONIC Plus can only DISTRONICPlus cannot take weather condi-
apply a maximum of 40% of the vehicle’s tions into account. Switch off
braking power. Warning! G DISTRONICPlus or do not turn it on if:
DISTRONICPlus may not detect narrow ve- roads are slippery or covered with snow
hicles possibly driving in front of you, such DISTRONICPlus cannot take street and traf-
as motorcycles and vehicles driving in an fic conditions into account. Only use or ice. The wheels could lose traction
offset formation. DISTRONICPlus if the road, weather and while braking or accelerating, and the
traffic conditions make it advisable to travel vehicle could skid.
It is the driver’s responsibility at all times to at a steady speed. the sensor is dirty or visibility is
be attentive to road, weather and traffic con- diminished due to snow, rain or fog. The
ditions and to provide the steering, braking distance control could be impaired.
and other driving inputs necessary to retain Warning!G Always pay attention to traffic conditions
control of the vehicle. even while DISTRONIC Plus is switched on.
High-frequency sources such as toll sta-Use of DISTRONIC Plus can be dangerous Otherwise, you may not be able to recognize
tions, speed measuring systems etc. can on slippery roads. Rapid changes in tire trac-dangerous situations until it is too late and
cause the DISTRONIC Plus system to tem-tion can result in wheel spin and loss of con-could cause an accident resulting in person-
porarily cease functioning.trol. al or fatal injury to you or others.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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