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owners manual VW Tiguan

owners manual VW Tiguan - year of production: 2011 - VW Tiguan owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle VW Tiguan, year of production 2011:
WARNING Improper use of jumper cables when jump-starting a vehicle with a dead battery can cause the battery to explode, leading to serious personal injury. To help reduce the risk of battery explosion: x All work on the batteries or the electrical system in your vehicle can cause serious aci d burns, fires, or electrical shocks. Always read and heed the following WARNINGS and safety precautions before working on the batteries or the electrical system ⇒ 12 Volt vehicle battery. x Always wear proper eye protection. Never lean over the vehicle batteries. x Attach the jumper cables in the correct order: first the positive cable, then the negative cable. x Never connect the negative cable from the vehicle providing starting assistance t poarts of the fuel system or to the brake hoses or brake lines. x Never allow the non-insulated parts of the battery clamps to touch. x Never allow the jumper cable attached to the positive battery terminal to contact metal parts of the vehicle. x Check the battery acid level indicator window on the vehicle battery. Use a flashghtli, never a match, cigarette lighter, or other open flame. If you cannot see the color of the window clearly, or if it is light yellow or colorless, do not jump-start the vehicle. Get expert assistance. x Avoid electrostatic discharge in the vicinity of the vehicle battery. Sparks may cause the hydrogen gas escaping from the vehicle battery to ignite. x Never jump-start a vehicle with a battery that is damaged or frozen or that wasfro zen and has thawed. The battery can explode. Replace the battery instead. x Always follow the instructions of the jumper cable manufacturer. x Always make sure that the battery providing starting assistance has the same voltage as the dead battery (12 V) and about the same capacity (see battery label). x Batteries give off explosive hydrogen gas. Always keep fire, sparks, open flame and smoking materials away from batteries. x Never connect the negative cable from the other vehicle directly to the negativeer tminal of the dead battery. The hydrogen gas from the battery is explosive. x Never short out the battery terminals by connecting the positive (+) and negative (–) terminals with each other.
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year of production from: 2011

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