owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
All about wheels and tires 403
manufacture, starting with "01" for the first cal-UniformTire Quality Grading Standards
endar week. Positions three and four representAuniform standard to grade the quality of tires
theyearofmanufacture.Forexample,atirethatwith regards to tread quality, tire traction and
is marked with "3208", was manufactured intemperature characteristics. The quality grad-
week32in2008. ing assessment is made by the manufacturer
iTiredataisvehicle-specificandmaydeviatefollowing specifications from the U.S. govern-
from the data in the example. ment.Theratingsaremoldedintothesidewallof
the tire.
Tire characteristics Recommendedtirepressures
The recommended tire pressure applies to the
tires mounted at the factory.
The Tire and Loading Information placard con-
tains the recommended tire pressures for cold
tires on a fully loaded vehicle and for the maxi-
mumpermissible vehicle speed.
dedpressures for cold tires for various operat-
Increased vehicle weight due to optional
This information describes the type of tire cordequipment
and the number of layers in sidewall : andThe combined weight of all standard andtires
under tire tread ;. optional equipment available for the vehicle,
iTiredataisvehicle-specificandmaydeviateregardless of whether it is actually installed onand
from the data in the example. the vehicle or not. s
Rim el
Definition of terms for tires and loadingThis is the part of the wheel on which the tire is
Tire ply composition and material usedmounted. Whe
Describes the number of plies or the number ofGAWR(GrossAxleWeightRating)
layers of rubber-coated fabric in the tire treadThe GAWRisthemaximumgrossaxleweight
and sidewall. These are made of steel, nylon,rating. The actual load on an axle must never
polyester and other materials. exceed the gross axle weight rating. The gross
axle weight rating can be found on the vehicle
Bar identificationplateontheB-pillaronthedriver's
Metric unit for tire pressure. 14.5038 poundsside.
per square inch (psi) and 100 kilopascals (kPa)Speedrating
are the equivalent of 1 bar. Thespeedratingispartofthetireidentification.
DOT(DepartmentofTransportation) It specifies the speed range for which the tire is
DOT-markedtiresfulfill the requirements of theapproved.
USDepartmentofTransportation. GVW(GrossVehicleWeight)
Normaloccupantweight Thegrossvehicle weight includes the weight of
The number of occupants for which the vehiclethevehicleincludingfuel,tools,thesparewheel,
isdesignedmultipliedby68kilograms(150lbs).accessories installed, occupants, luggage and
vehicle weight must not exceed the gross vehi-
cle identification plate on the B-pillar on the
driver's side.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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