owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
400 All about wheels and tires
Tire labeling tire load rating and speed rating required for
Overview your vehicle.
General: depending on the manufacturer's
that precedes the size description.
If there is no letter preceding the size descrip-
s tion (as shown above): these are passenger
:UniformTireQualityGrading Standardvehicle tires according to European manufac-
re ( turing standards.
ti;DOT,TireIdentification Number If "P" precedes the size description: these are
d Ypage402)
( passenger vehicle tires according to U.S. man-
an=Maximumtireload(Ypage402) ufacturing standards.
s ?Maximumtirepressure(Ypage390) If "LT" precedes the size description: these are
l lighttrucktiresaccordingtoU.S.manufacturing
AManufacturer standards.
BTirematerial(Ypage403) If "T" precedes the size description: compact
WheeCTiresizedesignation, load-bearing capacityemergency wheels with high tire pressure that
and speed rating (Y page 400) areonlydesignedfortemporaryuseinanemer-
DLoadindex(Ypage402) gency.
ETirename Tirewidth:tirewidth:showsthenominaltire
Themarkingsdescribedaboveareonthetireinwidth in millimeters.
additiontothetirename(salesdesignation)andHeight-width ratio: aspect ratio ; is the size
the manufacturer's name. ratio between the tire height and tire width and
iTiredataisvehicle-specificandmaydeviateis shown in percent. The aspect ratio is calcula-
from the data in the example. ted by dividing the tire width by the tire height.
Tire code: tire code = specifies the tire type.
Tire size designation, load-bearing"R" represents radial tires; "D" represents diag-
capacity and speed rating onal tires; "B" represents diagonal radial tires.
GWARNING Optionally, tires with a maximum speed of over
y have "ZR" in the size
Exceeding the stated tire load-bearing capa-description, depending on the manufacturer
city and the approved maximum speed could(e.g. 245/40 ZR 18).
is a risk of accident. of the bead seat, not the diameter of the rim
flange. The rim diameter is specified in
Therefore, only use tire types and sizesinches (in).
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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