owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Changingawheel 405
Loadbearingindex Tire-mounting tools should not be used near
Theloadbearingindex(alsoloadindex)isacodethe valve. This could damage the electronic
that contains the maximum load bearing capa-components.
city of a tire. Only have tires changed at a qualified spe-
Traction cialist workshop.
TractionistheresultoffrictionbetweenthetiresAlways observe the instructions and safety
and the road surface. notes in the "Mounting a wheel" section
(Y page 406).
Treadwearindicators The wear patterns on the front and rear tires
Narrow bars (tread wear bars) that are distrib-differ, depending on the operating conditions.
uted over the tire tread. If the tire tread is levelRotate the wheels before a clear wear pattern
with the bars, the wear limit of á in (1.6 mm)has formed on the tires. Front tires typically
has been reached. wearmoreontheshouldersandthereartiresin
the center.
Occupantdistribution Onvehicles that have the same size front and
Thedistributionofoccupantsinavehicleattheirrear wheels, you can rotate the wheels accord-
designated seating positions. ing to the intervals in the tire manufacturer's
warranty book in your vehicle documents. If no
Total load limit warranty book is available, the tires should be
Nominal load and luggage load plus 68 kgrotate every 3,000 to 6,000 miles (5,000 to
(150 lbs) multiplied by the number of seats in10,000 km). Earlier may be necessary, depend-
the vehicle. ingonthedegreeoftirewear.Donotchangethe
direction of wheel rotation. tires
Changingawheel brakediscthoroughlyeverytimeawheelisrota-
ted. Check the tire pressure and, if necessary,and
Flat tire restart the tire pressure loss warning systems
Ypage394)orthetirepressure monitor
( el
The "Breakdown assistance" section(
(Ypage367)containsinformationandnoteson Whe
howtodealwithaflat tire. Information on driv-Direction of rotation
ing with MOExtended tires in the event of a flat
tirecanbefoundunder"MOExtendedtires(tiresTires with a specified direction of rotation have
with run-flat characteristics" ( additionalbenefits,e.g.ifthereisariskofhydro-
planing. These advantages can only be gained if
Rotating the wheels the tires are installed corresponding to the
direction of rotation.
GWARNING Anarrowonthesidewallofthetireindicatesits
Interchanging the front and rear wheels maycorrect direction of rotation.
severely impair the driving characteristics if
thewheelsortireshavedifferentdimensions.Storing wheels
ThewheelbrakesorsuspensioncomponentsStore wheels that are not being used in a cool,
mayalsobedamaged.Thereisariskofacci-dry and preferably dark place. Protect the tires
dent. from oil, grease, gasoline and diesel.
and tires are of the same dimensions.
monitor, electronic components are located
in the wheel.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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