owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
410 Wheelandtirecombinations
XTightenthewheelboltsevenlyinacrosswise accessories other than those tested and
pattern in the sequence indicated (: to A).approved.
The tightening torque must be 110 lb-ftInformation on tires, wheels and approved
(150Nm). combinationscanbeobtainedfromanyquali-
XTurnthejackbacktoitsinitial position. fied specialist workshop.
XStowthejackandtherestofthevehicletools!Retreadedtiresareneither tested nor rec-
in the trunk again. ommendedbyMercedes-Benz,sinceprevi-
XMercedes-AMGvehiclesandvehicles ous damage cannot always be detected on
with AMGequipment:insert the cover intoretreaded tires. As a result, Mercedes-Benz
the outer sill. cannot guarantee vehicle safety if retreaded
XCheckthetirepressureofthenewlymounted tires are mounted. Do not mount used tires if
wheel and adjust it if necessary. youhavenoinformationabouttheirprevious
Observe the recommended tire pressure usage.
(Y page 387). Overview of abbreviations used in the following
Vehicleswithatirepressurecontrolsystem:tire tables:
all mounted wheels must be equipped withRBA:bothaxles
functioning tire pressure control sensors.RFA:front axle
The recommended pressures for various oper-
Wheelandtirecombinations ating conditions can be found:
General notes RontheTireandLoadingInformation placard
tires ontheB-pillar on the driver's side
!Forsafetyreasons,Mercedes-Benzrecom- Rinthetire pressure table in the fuel filler flap
and mendsthatyouonlyusetires and wheels Observe the notes on recommended tire pres-
whichhavebeenapprovedbyMercedes-Benz sures under various operating conditions
specifically for your vehicle. (Y page 387).
These tires have been specially adapted forChecktire pressures regularly, and only when
usewiththecontrolsystems,suchasABSor thetiresarecold.Complywiththemaintenance
®, and are marked as follows:
WheelsESP recommendations of the tire manufacturer in
RMO=Mercedes-BenzOriginal the vehicle document wallet.
RMOE=Mercedes-BenzOriginalExtended Notes on the vehicle equipment – always equip
(tires featuring run-flat characteristics)the vehicle with:
RMO1=Mercedes-BenzOriginal(onlycer- Rwithtiresofthesamesizeonagivenaxle(left
tain AMG tires) and right)
Mercedes-Benz Original Extended tires mayRthesametypeoftiresatagiventime(summer
only be used on wheels that have been spe-tires, winter tires, MOExtended tires)
cifically approved by Mercedes-Benz. Exception: it is permissible to install a differ-
Only use tires, wheels or accessories testedent type or make in the event of a flat tire.
and approved by Mercedes-Benz. Certain Observe the "MOExtended tires (tires with
characteristics, e.g. handling, vehicle noiserun-flatcharacteristics"section(
emissions or fuel consumption, may other-Vehicles equipped with MOExtended tires are
wise be adversely affected. In addition, whennot equipped with a TIREFIT kit at the factory. It
driving with a load, tire dimension variationsis therefore recommendedthatyouadditionally
could cause the tires to come into contactequipyourvehiclewithaTIREFITkitifyoumount
withthebodyworkandaxlecomponents.Thistires that do not feature run-flat properties, e.g.
couldresultindamagetothetiresorthevehi-winter tires. A TIREFIT kit may be obtained from
cle. a qualified specialist workshop.
Mercedes-Benz accepts no liability for dam-iNotallwheelandtirecombinationsare
age resulting from the use of tires, wheels oravailable at the factory for all countries.
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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