owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
394 Loading the vehicle
Restarting the tire pressure loss warn-If you wish to cancel the restart:
ing system XPressthe%button.
Restart the tire pressure loss warning system ifor
you have: XIf the Tire Pressure Now OK? message
Rchangedthetire pressure appears, select Cancel by pressing 9
or :.
Rchangedthewheelsortires XPresstheabutton.
Rmountednewwheelsortires The tire pressure values stored at the last
XBeforerestarting, make sure that the tirerestart will continue to be monitored.
the respective operating conditions.
TherecommendedtirepressurecanbefoundLoading the vehicle
ontheTire and Loading Information placard
ontheB-pillar on the driver's side. Addition-Instruction labels for tires and loads
ally, a tire pressure table is attached to the
fuel filler flap. The tire pressure loss warningGWARNING
system can only give reliable warnings if youOverloaded tires can overheat, causing a
rect tire pressure is set, these incorrect val-steering and driving characteristics and lead
ues will be monitored.
s XAlsoobservethenotesinthesection on tireto brake failure. There is a risk of accident.
re pressures (Y page 387). Observe the load rating of the tires. The load
tiXMakesurethattheSmartKeyisinposition 2rating must be at least half of the GAWR of
d in the ignition lock (Y page 162).your vehicle. Never overload the tires by
anXUseòonthesteeringwheeltocallupthe exceeding the maximum load.
s list of menus.
l XPress9or:onthesteeringwheelto Twoinstructionlabelsonyourvehicleshowthe
select the Service menu. maximumpossible load.
WheeXPresstheabutton. (1) TheTireandLoadingInformationplacardis
XPress9or:toselectTire Pres‐ ontheB-pillar on the driver's side. The Tire
sure. andLoadingInformationplacardshowsthe
XPresstheabutton. maximumpermissible number of occu-
The Run Flat Indicator ActivePress pantsandthemaximumpermissiblevehicle
'OK' to Restart message appears in theload.Italsocontainsdetailsofthetiresizes
multifunction display. and corresponding pressures for tires
If you wish to confirm the restart: mountedatthefactory.
(2) The vehicle identification plate is on the B-
XPresstheabutton. message pillar on the driver's side. The vehicle iden-
The Tire Pressure Now OK? tification plate informs you of the gross
appears in the multifunction display.vehicle weight rating. It is made up of the
XPress9or:toselectYes. vehicle weight, all vehicle occupants, the
XPresstheabutton. fuel and the cargo. You can also find infor-
The Run Flat Indicator Restarted mes-mation about the maximum gross axle
sage appears in the multifunction display.weight rating on the front and rear axle.
After a teach-in period, the tire pressure lossThe maximumgrossaxle weight rating is
sures of all four tires. one axle (front or rear axle). Never exceed
the maximum load or the maxiross
axle weight rating for the front or rear axle.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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