owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
7-8 Starting and operating/Preparing to drive
. A vehicle fails the OBDII inspection ifThe U.S. Environmental Protection Preparing to drive
the “CHECK ENGINE” warning light is notAgency (EPA) and states using two-wheel
properly operating (light is illuminated or isdynamometers in their emission testingYou should perform the following checks
not working due to a burned out bulb) orprogram have EXEMPTED SUBARU
there is one or more diagnostic troubleAWD vehicles from the portion of theand adjustments every day before you
codes stored in the vehicle’s computer.testing program that involves a two-wheelstart driving.
. Astate emission inspection may rejectdynamometer. There are some states that1. Check that all windows, mirrors, and
(not pass or fail) a vehicle if the number ofuse four-wheel dynamometers in theirlights are clean and unobstructed.
OBDII system readiness monitors “NOTtesting program. When properly used, this2. Check the appearance and condition
READY” is greater than one. If theequipmentshouldnotdamageaSUBARUof the tires. Also check tires for proper
vehicle’s battery has been recently re-AWDvehicle. inflation.
placed or disconnected, the OBDII systemUnder no circumstances should the rear3. Look under the vehicle for any sign of
inspection may indicate that the vehicle iswheels be jacked off the ground, norleaks.
not ready for the emission test. Under thisshould the driveshaft be disconnected for4. Check that the hood, trunk (Legacy)
condition, the vehicle driver should bestate emission testing.and rear gate (Outback) are fully closed.
instructed to drive his/her vehicle for a few 5. Check the adjustment of the seat.
days to reset the readiness monitors and 6. Check the adjustment of the inside
return for an emission re-inspection. and outside mirrors.
. Owners of rejected or failing vehicles 7. Fasten your seatbelt. Check that your
should contact their SUBARU Dealer for passengers have fastened their seatbelts.
service. 8. Check the operation of the warning
Some states still use dynamometers in and indicator lights when the ignition
their emission inspection program. A switch is turned to the “ON” position.
dynamometer is a treadmill or roller-like 9. Checkthegauges,indicator andwarn-
testing device that allows your vehicle’s ing lights after starting the engine.
wheels to turn while the vehicle remains in 10.Check that no small animals enter the
one place. Prior to your vehicle being put engine compartment.
on a dynamometer, tell your emission
inspector not to place your SUBARU
AWD vehicle on a two-wheel dynam-
ometer. Otherwise, serious transmis-
sion damage will result.
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year of production from: 2014
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