owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Care 361
If the SmartKey is within the rear detectionMattefinish care
range of KEYLESS-GO, the following situa-!Neverpolishthevehicleorthelight alloy
tions, for example, could lead to the uninten-wheels. Polishing causes the finish to shine.
tional opening of the trunk:
Rusingacarwash !Thefollowingmaycausethepaintto
Rusingapowerwasher becomeshinyandthusreducethematte
(3 m) away from the vehicle. Rstrongrubbing of the paintwork with
unsuitable materials
Cleaning the paintwork Rfrequent use of automatic car washes
!Donotaffix: Rwashingthevehicle in direct sunlight
Rstickers !Neverusepaintcleaner,buffingorpolishing
products, or gloss preserver, e.g. wax. These
Rfilms products are only suitable for high-gloss sur-care
Rmagneticplates or similar itemsfaces. Their use on vehicles with matte finish
to painted surfaces. You could otherwiseleads to considerable surface damage (shiny,and
damagethepaintwork. mottled areas).
corrosion and damage caused by inadequatequalified specialist workshop.
care cannot always be completely repaired. In!Donotusewashprogramswithahotwax
suchcases,visitaqualifiedspecialistworkshop.treatment under any circumstances.
XRemovedirtimmediately, where possible,Observe these notes if your vehicle has a clear
while avoiding rubbing too hard.mattefinish. This will help you to avoid damageMaintenance
XSoakinsectremainswithinsectremoverandto the paintwork due to incorrect treatment.
rinse off the treated areas afterwards.Thesenotesalsoapplytolightalloywheelswith
XSoakbirddroppingswith water and rinse offa clear matte finish.
the treated areas afterwards. The vehicle should preferably be washed by
XRemovecoolant,brakefluid, tree resin, oils,hand using a soft sponge, car shampoo and
fuels and greases by rubbing gently with aplenty of water.
cloth soaked in petroleum ether or lighterUseonlyinsectremoverandcarshampoofrom
fluid. the range of approved Mercedes-Benz care
XUsesilicone remover to remove wax.
If water no longer forms "beads" on the paintCleaning the vehicle parts
dedandapprovedbyMercedes-Benz.ThisistheCleaning the wheels
case approximately every three to five months,
depending on the climate conditions and theGWARNING
care product used.
If dirt has penetrated the paint surface or if theThe water jet from a circular jet nozzle (dirt
paint has becomedull,thepaintcleanerrecom-blasters) can cause invisible exterior damage
mendedandapprovedbyMercedes-Benz to the tires or chassis components. Compo-
should be used. nentsdamagedinthiswaymayfailunexpect-
Donotusethesecareproductsinthesunoronedly. There is a risk of an accident.
the hood while the hood is hot. Donotusepowerwasherswithcircular jet
XUseasuitabletouch-upstick,e.g.MBTouch-nozzles to clean the vehicle. Have damaged
UpStick,torepairslightdamagetothepaint-tires or chassis components replaced imme-
work quickly and provisionally.diately.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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