owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Care 359
Care !IfDISTRONICPLUSortheHOLDfunctionis
activated, the vehicle brakes automatically in
General notes certain situations.
H Environmentalnote Topreventdamagetothevehicle,deactivate
Dispose of empty packaging and cleaningthe following or other similar situations:
ner. Rinthecarwash
the following: Automatic Car Wash as these use special
cleaning agents. These cleaning agents can
Rdry, rough or hard cloths damagethepaintworkorplastic parts.
Rabrasive cleaning agents !Makesurethat:
Rsolvents care
Rcleaning agents containing solventsRthesidewindowsandtheslidingsunroof
Donotscrub. are fully closed. and
Donottouchthesurfacesorprotective filmsRtheventilation/heatingisswitchedoff(the
with hard objects, e.g. a ring or ice scraper.OFFbuttonhasbeenpressed).
Youcould otherwise scratch or damage theRthewindshieldwiperswitchisatposition0.
surfaces and protective film. Rthe360°cameraorrearviewcamerais
Donotparkthevehicle for an extendedswitched off.
! The vehicle may otherwise be damaged.
period straight after cleaning it, particularly
after having cleaned the wheels with wheel!IftheSmartKeyiswithinthereardetectionMaintenance
cleaner. Wheel cleaners could causerange of KEYLESS-GO, the following situa-
increased corrosion of the brake discs andtions, for example, could lead to the uninten-
brake pads/linings. For this reason, youtional opening of the trunk:
should drive for a few minutes after cleaning.Rusingacarwash
Braking heats the brake discs and the brake
pads/linings, thus drying them. The vehicleRusingapowerwasher
can then be parked. MakesurethattheSmartKeyisatleast10ft
Regular care of your vehicle is a condition for(3 m) away from the vehicle.
retaining the quality in the long term.!Makesurethattheautomatictransmission
Usecareproducts and cleaning agents recom-is in neutral position N when washing your
mendedandapprovedbyMercedes-Benz. vehicleinatow-throughcarwash.Thevehicle
mayotherwise be damaged.
ROperating with the SmartKey:
Washingthevehicleandcleaningthe DonotremovetheSmartKeyfromtheigni-
paintwork tion lock. Do not open the driver's door
whentheengineisswitched off or at very
Automaticcarwash low speeds. Otherwise, when in transmis-
sion position D or R the automatic trans-
GWARNING mission will automatically switch to park
Braking efficiency is reduced after washingposition P and block the wheels.
the vehicle. There is a risk of an accident.ROperating with the Start/Stop button:
After the vehicle has been washed, brakeDonotopenthedriver's door when the
carefully while paying attention to the trafficengine is switched off or at very low
conditionsuntilfullbrakingpowerisrestored.speeds. Otherwise, when in transmission
position D or R the automatic transmission
will automatically switch to park position P
and block the wheels.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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