owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
360 Care
Observe the following to make sure that theXUseamildcleaningagent,suchasacar
tral: XThoroughlyhosedownthevehiclewithagen-
Operating with the SmartKey: tle jet of water.
XMakesurethattheignition is switched on.XDonotpointthewaterjetdirectlytowardsthe
XMakesurethatthevehicleisstationary.air inlet.
XDepressandholdthebrakepedal. XUseplentyofwaterandrinseoutthesponge
XShift to neutral N. frequently.
XReleasethebrakepedal. XRinsethevehicle with clean water and dry
thoroughly with a chamois.
XReleasetheelectric parking brake, if neces-XDonotletthecleaningagentdryonthepaint-
sary. work.
XSwitchofftheignitionandleavetheSmartKeyCarefully remove all deposits of road salt as
carein the ignition lock. soon as possible when driving in winter.
Operating with the Start/Stop button:
andXMakesurethattheignition is switched on.Powerwashers
XDepressandholdthebrakepedal. The water jet from a circular jet nozzle (dirt
XEngageparkposition P. blasters) can cause invisible exterior damage
XReleasethebrakepedal. to the tires or chassis components. Compo-
(Y page 162). edly. There is a risk of an accident.
MaintenanceXInsert the SmartKey into the ignition lock.Donotusepowerwasherswithcircular jet
XSwitchontheignition. nozzles to clean the vehicle. Have damaged
XDepressandholdthebrakepedal. tires or chassis components replaced imme-
XShift to neutral N. diately.
XReleasetheelectric parking brake, if neces-!Alwaysmaintainadistanceofatleast
sary. 11.8 in (30 cm) between the vehicle and the
XSwitchofftheignitionandleavetheSmartKeypower washer nozzle. Information about the
in the ignition lock. correct distance is available from the equip-
washfromtheverystart. Movethepowerwashernozzlearoundwhen
If the vehicle is very dirty, pre-wash it beforecleaning your vehicle.
cleaning it in an automatic car wash.Donotaimdirectly at any of the following:
After using an automatic car wash, wipe off waxRtires
from the windshield and the wiper blades. ThisRdoorgaps,roofgaps, joints, etc.
will prevent smears and reduce wiping noisesRelectrical components
caused by residue on the windshield.
Washingbyhand Rconnectors
In some countries, washing by hand is onlyRlights
allowed at specially equipped washing bays.Rseals
XDonotusehotwateranddonotwashthe Rventilation slots
vehicle in direct sunlight. Damagedsealsorelectricalcomponentscan
XUseasoftspongetoclean. lead to leaks or failures.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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