owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-22 Starting and operating/Manual transmission
WARNING &Shifting speeds Gear mph (km/h)
. Do not drive the vehicle with the! Recommendedshifting speeds1st 29 (48)
clutch disengaged (i.e., when theThe best compromise between fuel econ-2nd54 (88)
clutch pedal is depressed) oromy and vehicle performance during
with the shift lever in the neutralnormal driving is ensured by shifting up
position. Engine braking has noat the speeds listed in the following table.WARNING
effect in either of these condi- When shifting down a gear, ensure
tions and the risk of an accidentShift upmph (km/h)
is consequently increased. 1st to 2nd 15 (24) that the vehicle is not travelling at a
speed exceeding the Maximum Al-
. Do not engage the clutch (i.e.,2nd to 3rd 25 (40) lowable Speed for the gear which is
release the clutch pedal) sud-3rd to 4th 40 (64) about to be selected. Failure to
denly when starting the vehicle. observe this precaution can lead to
By doing so the vehicle might4th to 5th 45 (72) engine over-revving and this in turn
unexpectedly accelerate or the5th to 6th 50 (80) can result in engine damage.
transmission could malfunction. In addition, sudden application of
! Maximumallowable speeds engine brakes when the vehicle is
CAUTION The following table shows the maximumtravelling on a slippery surface can
speeds that are possible with each differ-lead to wheel locking; as a conse-
Shift into reverse ONLY when theent gear. The tachometer’s needle willquence, control of the vehicle may
vehicle has completely stopped. Itenter the red area if these speeds arebe lost and the risk of an accident
maycause damage to the transmis-exceeded. increased.
the vehicle is moving. acceleration is required, the vehicle NOTE
should not be driven with the tachometer’s
needle inside the red area. Failure toNever exceed the posted speed limit.
observe this precaution can lead to
excessive engine wear and poor fuel

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year of production from: 2012

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