owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Care 349
XMakesurethatthevehicleisstationaryandXToselectSystem Settings:turn and
that the SmartKey is in position 2 in thepress the controller.
ignition lock. XToselectthe360° Camera:turnandpress
XToopenthecoveroftherearviewcam- the controller.
era: with COMAND or Audio 20 activated,XToselectOpen Camera Cover:turn and
call up the vehicle menu: press the Ñpress the controller.
button. The cover of the 360° camera opens.
XToswitchtothemenubar:slide6the XTocleanthe360°camera:cleancamera
controller. lens : with clean water and a soft cloth.
XToselectSystem Settings:turn and If you drive at speeds above 20 mph
press the controller. (30km/h)orwiththeSmartKeyinposition0
XToselectRear View Camera:turn and or1intheignitionlock,thecoverofthe360°care
press the controller. camera closes automatically.
XToselectOpen Camera Cover:turn and and
press the controller. Cleaning the exhaust pipes
The rear view camera cover opens.GWARNING
XTocleantherearviewcamera:useclear The exhaust tail pipe and tail pipe trim can
water and a soft cloth to clean camerabecomeveryhot. If you come into contact
lens :. withthesepartsofthevehicle,youcouldburn
Cleaning the 360° camera yourself. There is a risk of injury.Maintenance
Always be particularly careful around the
!Donotcleanthecameralensandthearea exhaust tail pipe and the tail pipe trim. Allow
around the 360° camera with a powerthesecomponentstocooldownbeforetouch-
washer.360 ing them.
based cleaning agents, such as bathroom
cleaner or wheel cleaner.
Impurities combined with the effects of road
grit and corrosive environmental factors may
cause flash rust to form on the surface. You
can restore the original shine of the exhaust
ter and after washing.
that the SmartKey is in position 2 in thetested and approved by Mercedes-Benz.
ignition lock. Cleaning the trailer tow hitch
with COMANDorAudio20activated, callH Environmentalnote
upthevehicle menu: press the Ñ but-Disposeofragssoakedinoilandgreaseinan
ton. environmentally responsible manner.
XToswitchtothemenubar:slide6the Donotcleantheball coupling with a
controller. !
power washer. Do not use solvents.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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