owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
346 Care
Rtrim repaired. In such cases, visit a qualified spe-
Rventilation slots cialist workshop.
Damagedsealsorelectrical componentsXRemovedirtimmediately, where possible,
can lead to leaks or failures. while avoiding rubbing too hard.
!IftheSmartKeyiswithinthereardetec-XSoakinsectremainswith insect remover
tion range of KEYLESS-GO, the followingand rinse off the treated areas afterwards.
situations, for example, could lead to theXSoakbirddroppings with water and rinse
unintentional opening of the trunk:off the treated areas afterwards.
Rusingacarwash XRemovecoolant,brakefluid, tree resin,
oils, fuels and greases by rubbing gently
Rusingapowerwasher with a cloth soaked in petroleum ether or
re MakesurethattheSmartKeyisatleastlighter fluid.
a 10ft (3 m) away from the vehicle.
c XUsetarremovertoremovetarstains.
d !IftheSmartKeyiswithinthereardetec-XUsesilicone remover to remove wax.
an tion range of KEYLESS-GO, the followingIf water no longer forms "beads" on the paint
e situations, for example, could lead to the
c unintentional opening of the tailgate:surface, use the paint care products recom-
an mendedandapprovedbyMercedes-Benz.
ten Rusingacarwash This is the case approximately every three to
Rusingapowerwasher five months, depending on the climate con-
MakesurethattheSmartKeyisatleast3mditions and the care product used.
Mainawayfromthevehicle. If dirt has penetrated the paint surface or if
ecomedull, the paint cleaner
!Edition1specialmodel:parts of yourthe paint has b
vehicle are covered with a decorative foil.recommendedandapprovedbyMercedes-
Maintain a distance of at least 70 cmBenz should be used.
cle and the nozzle of the power washer.onthehoodwhilethehoodishot.
Information about the correct distance isXUseasuitabletouch-up stick, e.g. MB
available from the equipment manufac-Touch-Up Stick, to repair slight damage to
turer. the paintwork quickly and provisionally.
MovethepowerwashernozzlearoundMattefinish care
whencleaning your vehicle.
Cleaning the paintwork !Neverpolishthevehicleorthelight alloy
wheels. Polishing causes the finish to
!Donotaffix: shine.
Rstickers !Thefollowingmaycausethepaintto
Rfilms becomeshinyandthusreducethematte
Rmagneticplates or similar items
to painted surfaces. You could otherwiseRstrong rubbing of the paintwork with
damagethepaintwork. unsuitable materials
Scratches,corrosivedeposits,areasaffectedRfrequent use of automatic car washes
by corrosion and damage caused by inade-Rwashingthevehicle in direct sunlight
quate care cannot always be completely!Neverusepaintcleaner,buffing or pol-
ishing products, or gloss preserver, e.g.

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year of production from: 2015

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