owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Starting and operating/State emission testing (U.S. only)7-7
lead to fuel spillage and a fire.State emission testing (U.S.have Inspection/Maintenance programs to
. Immediately put fuel in the tankonly) inspect your vehicle’s emission control
whenever the low fuel warning system. If your vehicle does not pass this
light illuminates. Engine misfires test, some states may deny renewal of
as a result of an empty tank WARNING your vehicle’s registration.
could cause damage to the en- Your vehicle is equipped with a computer
gine. Testing of an All-Wheel Drive modelthat monitors the performance of the
must NEVER be performed on aengine’s emission control system. Certi-
single two-wheel dynamometer. At-fied emission inspectors will inspect the
tempting to do so will result inOn-Board Diagnostic (OBDII) system as
uncontrolled vehicle movement andpart of the state emission inspection
maycauseanaccidentorinjuriestoprocess. The OBDII system is designed
persons nearby. to detect engine and transmission pro-
blems that might cause the vehicle emis-
CAUTION sions to exceed allowable limits. OBDII
inspections apply to all 1996 model year
. At state inspection time, remem-and newer passenger cars and trucks.
ber to tell your inspection orOver 30 states plus the District of Colum-
service station in advance not tobia have implemented emission inspec-
placeyourSUBARUAWDvehicletion of the OBDII system.
on a two-wheel dynamometer. . The inspection of the OBDII system
Otherwise, serious transmissionconsists of a visual operational check of
damage will result. the “CHECK ENGINE” warning light/mal-
. Resultant vehicle damage due tofunction indicator light (MIL) and an
improper testing is not coveredexamination of the OBDII system with an
under the SUBARU Limited War-electronic scan tool.
ranty and is the responsibility of. A vehicle passes the OBDII system
the state inspection program orinspection if proper operation of the
its contractors or licensees.“CHECK ENGINE” warning light is ob-
served, there are no stored diagnostic
California and a number of federal statestrouble codes, and the OBDII readiness
monitors are all complete.

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year of production from: 2012

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