owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Care 343
Displaying service messages Ruseinmountainousterrainoronpoorroad
XSwitchontheignition. surfaces
XUseòonthesteeringwheeltocallup Riftheengineisoftenleftidlingforlongperi-
the list of menus. ods
XPress9or:onthesteeringwheel Under these or similar conditions, have, for
to select the Service menu and confirmexample, the air filter, engine oil and oil filter
with a. replaced or changed more frequently. Under
arduous operating conditions, the tires must
XPress9or:onthesteeringwheel be checked more often. Further information
to select the ASSYST PLUS submenu andcanbeobtainedataqualifiedspecialistwork-
confirm with a. shop,e.g.anauthorizedMercedes-BenzCen-e
The service due date appears in the multi-ter. r
function display. ca
Driving abroad d
Information about Service a
is also available in other countries. You can
Resetting the ASSYST PLUS service obtain further information from any author-
interval display ized Mercedes-Benz Center.
play has been inadvertently reset, this set-Care
ting canbecorrectedataqualifiedspecial- Maintenance
ist workshop. General notes
HaveserviceworkcarriedoutasdescribedH Environmentalnote
in the Maintenance Booklet. This may oth-Dispose of empty packaging and cleaning
erwise lead to increased wear and damageclothsinanenvironmentallyresponsibleman-
to the major assemblies or the vehicle.ner.
Aqualified specialist workshop, e.g. an
authorized Mercedes-Benz Center, will reset!Forcleaningyourvehicle, do not use any
the ASSYST PLUS service interval displayof the following:
after the service work has been carried out.
Youcanalsoobtain further information onRdry, rough or hard cloths
maintenance work, for example. Rabrasive cleaning agents
Special service requirements Rcleaning agents containing solvents
the normal operation of the vehicle intoDonottouchthesurfaces or protective
account.Underarduousoperatingconditionsfilms with hard objects, e.g. a ring or ice
or increased load on the vehicle, mainte-scraper. You could otherwise scratch or
nance work must be carried out more fre-damagethesurfaces and protective film.
quently, for example: !Donotparkthevehicleforanextended
ate stops after having cleaned the wheelswithwheel
Rif the vehicle is primarily used to travelcleaner. Wheel cleaners could cause
short distances increased corrosion of the brake discs and
brake pads/linings. For this reason, you

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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