owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-4 Starting and operating/Fuel
! MMT your vehicle, but should contain no moresufficient quantities of the proper cosol-
Some gasoline contains an octane-en-than 15% MTBE or 10% ethanol for thevents and corrosion inhibitors required to
hancing additive called MMT (Methylcy-proper operation of your SUBARU.prevent damagetothefuelsystem.Donot
clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl). IfDo not use any gasoline that containsuse fuel containing methanol EXCEPT
you use such fuels, your emission controlmore than 10% ethanol, including fromunder these conditions.
system performance may deteriorate andany pump labeled E15, E30, E50 or E85. If undesirable driveability problems are
the CHECK ENGINE warning light/Mal-(which are only some examples of fuelexperienced and you suspect they may be
function indicator light may turn on. If thiscontaining more than 10% ethanol).fuel related, try a different brand of gaso-
happens, return to your authorized line before seeking service at your
SUBARU Dealer for service. If it is In addition, some gasoline suppliers areSUBARUdealer.
determined that the condition is causednow producing reformulated gasolines,. Fuel system damage or driveability
by the type of fuel used, repairs may notwhich are designed to reduce vehicleproblems which result from the use of
be covered by your warranty.emissions. SUBARU approves the use ofimproper fuel are not covered under the
! Gasoline for cleaner airreformulated gasoline. SUBARULimited Warranty.
Your use of gasoline with detergent If you are not sure what the fuel contains,CAUTION
additives will help prevent deposits fromyou should ask your service station
forming in your engine and fuel system.operators if their gasolines contain deter-Do not let fuel spill on the exterior
This helps keep your engine in tune andgents and oxygenates and if they havesurfaces of the vehicle. Because
your emission control system workingbeenreformulated to reduce vehicle emis-fuel may damage the paint, be sure
properly, and is a way of doing your partsions. to wipe off any spilled fuel quickly.
for cleaner air. If you continuously use aAs additional guidance, only use fuelsPaint damage caused by spilled fuel
high quality fuel with the proper detergentsuited for your vehicle as explained in theis not covered under the SUBARU
and other additives, you should neverfollowing description.Limited Warranty.
need to add any fuel system cleaning. Fuel should be unleaded and have an
agents to your fuel tank.octane rating no lower than that specified
Many gasolines are now blended within this manual.
materials called oxygenates. Use of these. Methanol (methyl or wood alcohol) is
fuels can also help keep the air cleaner.sometimes mixed with unleaded gasoline.
Oxygenated blend fuels, such as MTBEMethanol can be used in your vehicle
(Methyl Tertiary Butyl ether) or ethanolONLYif it does not exceed 5% of the fuel
(ethyl or grain alcohol) may be used inmixture AND if it is accompanied by

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year of production from: 2012

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