owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Features 341
The system is available if: RTheindicator lamp in one or more of the fol-
Rit has been activated and is operationallowing buttons continues to light up red after
the system self-diagnosis:
Rthecorresponding mobile phone network is-SOSbutton
available for transmitting data to the Cus-
tomer Center - FRoadsideAssistancecallbutton
Raservicesubscription is available - ïMBInfocallbutton
DeterminingthelocationofthevehicleonamapRTheInoperativeortheService Not
is only possible if: Activated message appears in the multi-
function display after the system self-diagno-
RGPSreceptionisavailable. sis.
Rthevehicle position can be forwarded to theIf a malfunction is indicated as outlined above,
Customer Assistance Center. thesystemmaynotoperateasexpected.Inthe
Thembracesystem event of an emergency, help will have to be
summonedbyothermeans. features
To adjust the volume during a call, proceed asHavethesystemcheckedatthenearestauthor-
follows: ized Mercedes-Benz Center or contact the fol-and
XPresstheWorXbuttononthemulti- lowing service hotlines:
function steering wheel. Mercedes-BenzCustomerAssistanceCenterat
or 1-800-FOR-MERCedes(1-800-367-6372) or
XUsethevolumecontrolonthemultimedia Stowage
system. Emergencycall
The system offers various services, e.g.:Important safety notes
RRoadsideAssistance call GWARNING
RMBInfocall It can be dangerous to remain in the vehicle,
available features under "Owners Online" atemergency if:
Systemself-test cle, e.g. if there is a fire after an accident
After youhaveswitchedontheignition,thesys-Rthevehicle is on a dangerous section of
temcarries out a self-diagnosis. road
Amalfunction in the system has been detectedRthevehicleisnotvisibleorcannoteasilybe
if one of the following occurs: seenbyotherroadusers,particularlywhen
dark or in poor visibility conditions
RTheindicatorlampintheSOSbuttondoesnotThere is a risk of an accident and injury.
RTheindicator lamp in the F RoadsideLeave the vehicle immediately in this or simi-
Assistance button does not light up duringlar situations as soon as it is safe to do so.
self-diagnosis of the system. Movetoasafelocationalongwithothervehi-
RTheindicator lamp in the ï MB Info callcle occupants. In such situations, secure the
buttondoesnotlightupduringself-diagnosisvehicle in accordance with national regula-
of the system. tions, e.g. with a warning triangle.
General notes
Observe the notes on system activation
(Y page 340).
Anemergencycall is dialed automatically if an
air bag or Emergency Tensioning Device is trig-
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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