owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
332 Features
The data you receive contains the followingate up to three different door and gate sys-
information: tems.
Rthelocation where the speed limit wasUsetheintegrated garage door opener only
exceeded ongarage doors that:
Rthetimeatwhichthespeedlimitwas Rhavesafety stop and reverse features and
exceeded RmeetcurrentU.S.federalsafetystandards
Rtheselected speed limit which was excee-Onceprogramed,theintegratedgaragedoor
ded openerintherear-viewmirrorwillassumethe
Geofencing function of the garage door system's remote
control. Please also read the operating
Geofencingallowsyoutoselectareaswhichinstructions for the garage door system.
be informed if the vehicle crosses the boun-park the vehicle outside the garage. Do not
anddaries of the selected areas. You can selectrun the engine while programming.
thewayinwhichyoureceivethisinformationCertain garage door drives are incompatible
beforehand. Possible options include textwiththeintegratedgaragedooropener.Ifyou
message, e-mail or an automated call.have difficulty programing the integrated
Theareacanbedeterminedaseitheracirclegarage door opener, contact an authorized
Stowageor a polygon with a maximum of ten corners.Mercedes-Benz Center.
Youcanspecify up to ten areas simultane-Alternatively, you can call the following tele-
ously.Differentsettingsarepossibleforeachphoneassistance services:
area. RUSA:Mercedes-BenzCustomerAssistance
These settings can be called up under "Own-Center at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes
ers Online" at http://www.mbusa.com.RCanada:CustomerServiceat
Alternatively, you can trigger an MB Info call1-800-387-0100
and inform the customer service representa-RHomeLink®hotline1-800-355-3515 (free
tive that you wish to activate geo fencing.of charge)
Currently inactive areas can be activated by ®and/or
text message. Moreinformation on HomeLink
compatible products is also available online
Triggering the vehicle alarm at http://www.homelink.com.
Notes on the declaration of conformity
With this function, you can trigger the vehi-(Y page 26).
cle's panic alarm via text message. An alarmUSA: FCC ID: CB2HMIHL4
sounds and the exterior lighting flashes.Canada: IC: 279B-HMIHL4
Depending on the setting, the panic alarm
lasts five or ten seconds. Afterwards, theImportant safety notes
alarm switches off.
Garagedooropener Whenyouoperateorprogramthegaragedoor
with the integrated garage door opener, per-
General notes sons in the range of movement of the garage
® door can become trapped or struck by the
The HomeLink garage door opener integra-garage door. There is a risk of injury.

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year of production from: 2015

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