Audio/Command list 5-109
Commands for Pandora Commands for AM controlCommands for SiriusXM radio control
Voice PhraseFunction Voice Phrase Function Voice PhraseFunction
command command command
Like Like Mark “Like” Tunes in the Designate the
flag Seek upSeek Uphigher fre-Preset num-Preset
nel to switch
DislikeDislikeMark “Dislike” tion to specific
flag radio station
Skip to the Tunes in the
Skip Skip, Nextnext songSeek downSeek Downlower fre-ScanScanSwitch to the
quency direc- scan mode
Designate the
Scan Scan Switch to theChannelChannelchannel to
Commands for aha scan modenumber tun-cific radio sta-
Voice Designate the tion
command PhraseFunctionDirect fre-Tune to switch to a Displays the
Thumbs Up,Mark “Like” specific radioCategoryCategorycategory list
Thumbs upHeart, Likeflag station screen
Thumbs Thumbs Mark “Dislike” Designate the
down Down, Ban,flag Preset num-Preset nel to switch
to specific
Refresh the radio station
selected sta-
Update Refreshtion to get the iTunes Tag-
latest infor-TagTag ging for HD
mation Radio
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