Audio/Command list 5-107
NOTE Commandlist Basic command
If the command cannot be recognized
completely, the command input screen Voice Phrase Function
will be displayed. (Search results willRecognizable voice commands and theircommand
be shown based on the part of theactions are shown below. Goback one
commandthat was recognized.). Frequently used commands are listed hierarchy or
in the following tables. cancel the
. For devices that are not installed in theSystem backBackvoice recogni-
! Expression examples for each tion (voice
function vehicle, the related commands will not becommand top
displayed in the screen. Also, according toscreen)
Command Expression examplesconditions, other commands may not beAsk for help
displayed in the screen. System helpHelpwith the cur-
” ber>.
cording to the system installed.System can-Cancel,Close Cancel the
. Voice recognition language can be cel (Close)current task
changed. Refer to “Other settings” F5-11.YesYes
. The notations used in the com-Display OFFDisplay OFFTurns the dis-
play off
mands are as follows.
– [ ]: Commandsthatneednot Turns the
Audio ONAudio ONaudio system
to be spoken on
– < >: Numbers, titles, or Turns the
names to be spoken Audio OFFAudio OFFaudio system
mode change APPSmode