owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
5-106 Audio/Voice command system operation
on the screen. If the desired name is! Voice command example: DialCalling to other phone numbers
not displayed on the top of the screen,number3. Say “Call” or press theswitch on
say or select the number of the name1. Press the talk switch.the steering wheel.
from the candidate list (number 1, . When the system recognizes multi-
number 2, etc.) to select a name from2. Say the phone number.ple phone numbers, a phone number
the candidate list. . In the same manner as it is dis-candidate list will be displayed on the
. When a contact has multiple phoneplayed on the screen, “Dial ”screen. Pressing theswitch on the
numbersregistered in the contacts list,(Dial ), after saying “Dial asteering wheel makes a call to the top
a candidate list will be displayed. If thenumber” say the phone number.entry on the list. If the desired phone
desired phone number is not displayed. Saythephonenumberonedigitatanumber is not displayed on the top of
on the top of the screen, say or selecttime.the screen, say the number of the
the number of the desired phoneFor example, if the phone number isdesired phone number from the candi-
number from the candidate list (num-2345678:date list to select a phone number from
ber 1, number 2, etc.) to select a phoneSay “two three four five six seventhe candidate list.
number from the candidate list.eight”
Do not say “twenty three forty five! Casual speech recognization
sixty seven eight” Due to natural language speech recogni-
Calling to the following phone numberstion technology, this system enables re-
– 3 digit numbers (911, 411, 611)cognition of a command when spoken
– 7 digit numbers (Local phone num-naturally. However, the system cannot
bers) recognize every variation of each com-
– 10 digit numbers (Area code +mand. In some situations, it is possible to
Local phone number)omit the command for the procedure and
– 11 digit phone numbers (1 + Areadirectly state the desired operation. Not all
code + Local phone number)voice commands are displayed in the
. As the system cannot recognizefunction menu.
additional numbers, say the complete
number without stopping.
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