owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Features 331
XPresstheYesbuttontoconfirmthemes-Information on the data stored in the vehicle
sage. (Y page 28).
XWhentheVehicle Diagnostics Information on Roadside Assistance
Please Start Ignition message (Y page 24).
Ypage153). Downloadingroutes
the ignition lock (
XIf the Please follow the instruc‐Downloading routes allows you to transfer
tions received by phone and moveand save predefined routes in the navigation
your vehicle to a safe position.system. es
messageappears: please follow theAroutecanbepreparedandsentbyeithera
instructions received by phone and movecustomer service representative or under
your vehicle to a safe position."OwnersOnline"athttp://www.mbusa.com.featur
The message in the display disappears.Eachroutecanincludeuptofourwaypoints.
The vehicle operating state check begins.Oncearoutehasbeenreceivedbythenavi-
During this procedure, you will see thegation system, you will see the Externaland
Vehicle Diagnostics Activemessage.route ICON_POI_Category Name_1 has
If you select Cancel, the Vehicle Healthbeen saved to "Previous destina‐
Checkis canceled completely. tions". Would you like to start nav‐
Whenthecheckiscomplete,theSendingigation? message on the Audio 20 display.Stowage
vehicle diagnostics data. (VoiceThe route is saved.
connection may be interrupted dur‐XTostartrouteguidance:select Yes.
ing data transfer)messageappears.TheAnoverview of the route is shown in the
vehicle data can now be sent. display.
XPresstheOKbuttontoconfirmthemes- , the saved route can be
sage. If you select No
The voice connection with the Customercalled up later in the navigation menu.
Assistance Center is terminated.XSelect Start.
The Vehicle Diagnostics: Transfer‐Starting route guidance.
ring Data. message appears. Downloadedandsavedroutescanbecalled
The vehicle data is sent to the Customerupagain.
Assistance Center. Youcanfind further information in the sepa-
Dependingonwhatthecustomerservicerep-rate COMAND/Audio20operatinginstruc-
resentative agreed with you, the voice con-tions.
nection is re-established after the transfer isSpeedalert
at a later time by another means, e.g. by e-Youcandefine the upper speed limit, which
mail or phone. mustnotbeexceededbythevehicle.
AnotherfunctionoftheVehicleHealthCheckIf this selectedspeedisexceededbythevehi-
is thetransferofservicedatatotheCustomercle, a message will be sent to the Customer
play shows a message to this effect togetherCenterthenforwardsthisinformationtoyou.
with information about any special offers atYoucanselect the way in which you receive
your workshop. thisinformationbeforehand.Possibleoptions
This information can also be called up underincludetextmessage,e-mailoranautomated

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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