owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
TIRE PRESSUREMONITORING ● If the low tire pressure warning light● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginally
SYSTEM(TPMS) illuminates while driving, avoid suddenspecified by NISSAN could affect the
This vehicle is equipped with TPMS. It monitorssteering maneuvers or abrupt braking,proper operation of the TPMS.
tire pressure of all tires except the spare. Whenreduce vehicle speed, pull off the road● Do not inject any tire liquid or aerosol
the low tire pressure warning light is lit, and theto a safe location and stop the vehicletire sealant into the tires, as this may
Tire Pressure Low - Add Air warning appears ininflated tires may permanently damagesensors.
the vehicle information display, one or more ofthe tires and increase the likelihood of
your tires is significantlyunder-inflated.Iftire failure. Serious vehicle damageRUN-FLATTIRES(if so equipped)
equipped, the system also displays pressure ofcouldoccurandmayleadtoanaccident
all tires (except the spare tire) on the displayandcouldresult in serious personal in-Run-flat tires are those tires that can be used
screen by sending a signal from a sensor that isjury. Check the tire pressure for all fourtemporarily if they are punctured. For additional
installed in each wheel. If the vehicle is beingtires. Adjust the tire pressure to theinformation, refer to “Run-flat tires” in “Mainte-
driven with low tire pressure, the TPMS will acti-recommended COLD tire pressurenance and do-it-yourself.”
vate and warn you of it by the low tire pressureshownontheTireandLoadingInforma-For additional information, refer to the tire safety
warninglight. This system will activate only whention label to turn the low tire pressureinformation in the Warranty Information Booklet.
the vehicle is driven at speeds above 16 mphwarninglightOFF.Ifyouhaveaflattire,
(25 km/h). For additional information, refer toreplace it with a spare tire as soon as
“Warning/indicator lights and audible reminders”possible. WARNING
in the “Instruments and controls” section and● Whenasparetireismountedorawheel● Although you can continue driving with
“Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)”intheis replaced, tire pressure will not beapuncturedrun-flattire,rememberthat
“Starting and driving” section of this manual.indicated, the TPMS will not functionvehicle handling stability is reduced,
WARNING and the low tire pressure warning lightwhich could lead to an accident and
will flash for approximately 1 minute.personalinjury. Also, driving a long dis-
● Radio waves could adversely affectThe light will remain on after 1 minute.tance at high speeds may damage the
electric medical equipment. Those whoContactyourNISSANdealerassoonastires.
use a pacemaker should contact thepossible for tire replacement and/or
electric medical equipment manufac-system resetting.
turer for the possible influences before
In case of emergency 6-3

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year of production from: 2013

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