owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Thisprocedureisdescribedinthevehicleservice– When installing a spare tire, make
WARNING manual and can be performed by a NISSAN
● While driving on a slippery surface, bedealer. surethatitisthepropersizeandtype
careful when braking, accelerating or as specified on the Tire and Loading
downshifting. Abrupt braking or accel-ANTI-LOCKBRAKINGSYSTEMInformation label. For additional in-
erating could cause the wheels to skid(ABS) formation, refer to “Tire and Loading
andresult in an accident. Information label” in the “Technical
and consumer information” section
● If the engine is not running or is turnedWARNING of this manual.
off while driving, the power assist for● TheAnti-lockBrakingSystem(ABS)isa– For additional information, refer to
thebrakeswillnotwork.Brakingwillbesophisticated device, but it cannot pre-“Wheels and tires” in the “Mainte-
harder. vent accidents resulting from carelessnance and do-it-yourself” section of
Wetbrakes or dangerous driving techniques. It canthis manual.
help maintain vehicle control during
When the vehicle is washed or driven throughbraking on slippery surfaces. Remem-TheAnti-lockBrakingSystem(ABS)controlsthe
water, the brakes may get wet. As a result, yourber that stopping distances on slipperybrakes so the wheels do not lock during hard
braking distance will be longer and the vehiclesurfaces will be longer than on normalbraking or when braking on slippery surfaces.
maypull to one side during braking.surfaces even with ABS. Stopping dis-The system detects the rotation speed at each
tances may also be longer on rough,wheel and varies the brake fluid pressure to pre-
To dry the brakes, drive the vehicle at a safegravel or snow covered roads, or if youvent each wheel from locking and sliding. By
speed while lightly pressing the brake pedal toareusingtirechains.Alwaysmaintainapreventing each wheel from locking, the system
heatupthebrakes.Dothisuntilthebrakesreturnsafedistancefromthevehicleinfrontofhelps the driver maintain steering control and
to normal. Avoid driving the vehicle at highyou. Ultimately, the driver is respon-helps to minimize swerving and spinning on slip-
speeds until the brakes function correctly.sible for safety.pery surfaces.
Parking brake break-in ● Tire type and condition may also affectUsing the system
braking effectiveness.
Break-in the parking brake shoes whenever the– When replacing tires, install theDepress the brake pedal and hold it down. De-
effect of the parking brake is weakened or when-specifiedsizeoftiresonall4wheels.press the brake pedal with firm steady pressure,
ever the parking brake shoes and/or drum/rotors but do not pump the brakes. The ABS will oper-
are replaced, in order to assure the best brake ate to prevent the wheels from locking up. Steer
performance. the vehicle to avoid obstacles.
5-44 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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