owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
30 Introduction
These data memories temporarily or perma-tion with other information (if necessary, under
nently store technical information about:consultation with an authorized expert), could
Rvehicle's operating state be traced to a person.
Rincidents Examples include:
Rmalfunctions Raccident reports
In general, this technical information docu-Rdamagetothevehicle
mentsthestate of a component, a module, aRwitnessstatements
system or the surroundings. Furtheradditionalfunctionsthathavebeencon-
These include, for example: tractually agreed upon with the customer allow
Roperating conditions of system components,certain vehicle data to be conveyed by the vehi-
e.g. fluid levels cle as well. The additional functions include, for
example, vehicle location in case of an emer-
individual components, e.g. number of wheel
revolutions/speed, deceleration in move-
ment, lateral acceleration, accelerator pedalCOMAND/mbrace
RmalfunctionsanddefectsinimportantsystemIf the vehicle is equipped with COMAND or
components, e.g. lights, brakes mbrace, additional data about the vehicle's
Rvehicle reactions and operating conditions inoperation, the use of the vehicle in certain sit-
special driving situations, e.g. air bag deploy-uations, and the location of the vehicle may be
ment, intervention of stability control sys-compiled through COMAND or the mbrace sys-
tems tem.
Rambientconditions,e.g.outsidetemperatureFor additional information please refer to the
This data is of an exclusively technical natureCOMANDUserManualortheDigitalOperator's
and can be used to: Manual and/or the mbrace Terms and Condi-
Rassist in recognizing and rectifying malfunc-
tions and defects
Ranalyze vehicle functions, e.g. after an acci-Event data recorders
Roptimize vehicle function This vehicle is equipped with an event data
The data cannot be used to trace the vehicle'srecorder(EDR).Thisvehicleisequippedwithan
movements. eventdatarecorder(EDR).Themainpurposeof
Whenyourvehicle is serviced, technical infor-an EDR is to record, in certain crash or near
mationcanbereadfromtheeventdatamemorycrash-like situations, such as an air bag deploy-
and malfunction data memory. mentorhitting a road obstacle, data that will
Services include, for example: assistinunderstandinghowavehicle'ssystems
performed. The EDR is designed to record data
Rrepair services related to vehicle dynamics and safety systems
Rservice processes for a short period of time, typically 30 seconds
or less.
Rwarranties The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record
Rquality assurance such data as:
vicenetwork(includingthemanufacturer)usingRHowvarioussystemsinyourvehicle were
special diagnostic testers. More detailed infor-operating
mation is obtained from it, if required.RWhetherornotthedriverandpassenger
Afteramalfunctionhasbeenrectified,theinfor-safety belts were buckled/fastened
or is continually overwritten. accelerator and/or brake pedal and
Whenoperating the vehicle, situations are con-RHowfastthevehiclewastraveling.
ceivable in which this technical data, in connec-
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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