owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Introduction 27
OneMercedesDrive tronic equipment carried out at a qualified
Montvale, NJ 07645-0350 specialist workshop.
In Canada
Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc. !Thereisariskofdamagetothevehicleif:
European Delivery Department Rthevehicle becomes stuck, e.g. on a high
98Vanderhoof Avenue curb or an unpaved road
Toronto, Ontario M4G 4C9 Ryoudrivetoofast over an obstacle, e.g. a
curb or a hole in the road
Operating safety parts of the chassis
Important safety notes In situations like this, the body, the undercar-
riage, chassis parts, wheels or tires could be
GWARNING damagedwithout the damage being visible.
If you do not have the prescribed service/pectedlyfail or, in the case of an accident, no
maintenance work or any required repairslongerwithstandthestraintheyaredesigned
carried out, this can result in malfunctions orto.
systemfailures.Thereisariskofanaccident.If the underbody paneling is damaged, com-
Always have the prescribed service/mainte-bustible materials such as leaves, grass or
twigs can gather between the underbody and
nance work as well as any required repairsthe underbody paneling. If these materials
carried out at a qualified specialist workshop.comeincontactwithhotpartsoftheexhaust
system, they can catch fire.
GWARNING In such situations, have the vehicle checked
Flammable material such as leaves, grass orand repaired immediately at a qualified spe-
twigsmayigniteiftheycomeintocontactwithcialist workshop. If on continuing your jour-
pull over and stop the vehicle immediately,
of fire. paying attention to road and traffic condi-
Whendriving off road or on unpaved roads,tions. In such cases, consult a qualified spe-
check the vehicle's underside regularly. Incialist workshop.
particular, remove parts of plants or otherHybrid vehicles have a combustion engine and
flammable materials which have becomean electric motor. The voltage supply for oper-
trapped. In the case of damage, contact aating the vehicle electrically is provided by the
qualified specialist workshop. vehicle's high-voltage electrical system.
GWARNING Thevehicle'shigh-voltageelectricalsystemis
software as well as wiring can impair theirin the vehicle's high-voltage electrical system
function and/or the function of other net-or touch damaged components, you may be
worked components. In particular, systemselectrocuted. The components in the vehi-
relevant to safety could also be affected. As acle's high-voltage electrical system may be
result, these may no longer function as inten-damagedinanaccident,althoughthedamage
dedand/orjeopardizetheoperatingsafetyofis not visible. There is a risk of fatal injury.
the vehicle. There is an increased risk of anFollowing an accident, do not touch any high-
accident and injury. voltage components and never modify the
Never tamper with the wiring as well as elec-vehicle'shigh-voltageelectricalsystem.Have
tronic components or their software. Youthe vehicle towed away after an accident and
should have all work to electrical and elec-
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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