owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
28 Introduction
the vehicle's high-voltage electrical systemoperation of the vehicle systems. As a result,
checked by a qualified specialist workshop.the operating safety of the vehicle could be
The components of the vehicle's high-voltageaffected. There is a risk of an accident.
electrical system are marked with yellow warn-Donotconnectanyequipmenttoadiagnos-
ing stickers. The cables of the vehicle's high-tics connection in the vehicle.
voltage electrical system are orange in color.GWARNING
Vehicles with an electric motor generate much
less driving noise than vehicles with internalObjectsinthedriver'sfootwellcanrestrictthe
combustion engines. As a result, your vehiclepedal travel or obstruct a depressed pedal.
situations. This can happen, for example, whenjeopardized. There is a risk of an accident.
you are parking and your vehicle is not seen by
other road users. This requires you to adopt aMakesurethatall objects in the vehicle are
particularly anticipatory driving style, as it isstowed correctly, and that they cannot enter
necessary to allow for the possibility that otherthe driver's footwell. Install the floormats
road users may behave erratically.securely and as specified in order to ensure
Declarations of conformity loosefloormatsanddonotplacefloormatson
top of one another.
Vehicle components which receive If the engine is switched off and equipment
and/ortransmitradiowaves !
onthediagnostics connection is used, the
USA:"Thewirelessdevicesofthisvehiclecom-starter battery may discharge.
ply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation isConnecting equipment to the diagnostics con-
subject to the two following two conditions: 1)nection can lead to emissions monitoring infor-
These devices may not cause harmful interfer-mation being reset, for example. This may lead
ence, and 2) These devices must accept anytothevehiclefailingtomeettherequirementsof
interference received, including interferencethe next emissions test during the main inspec-
that may cause undesired operation. Changestion.
or modifications not expressly approved by the
party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment."Qualified specialist workshop
Canada: "The wireless devices of this vehicle
comply with Industry Canada license-exemptAnauthorizedMercedes-BenzCenterisaquali-
RSSstandard(s).Operationissubjecttothefol-fied specialist workshop. It has the necessary
lowing two conditions: (1) These devices mayspecialistknowledge,toolsandqualificationsto
not cause interference, and (2) These devicescorrectly carry out the work required on your
mustaccept any interference, including inter-vehicle. This is especially the case for work rel-
ference that may cause undesired operation ofevant to safety.
the device." Observe the notes in the Maintenance Booklet.
Diagnostics connection authorized Mercedes-Benz Center:
Rworkrelevant to safety
The diagnostics connection is only intended forRservice and maintenance work
the connection of diagnostic equipment at aRrepair work
qualified specialist workshop. Ralterations, installation work and modifica-
If you connect equipment to the diagnosticsRworkonelectronic components
connection in the vehicle, it may affect theRworkonthehybriddrivesystem
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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