owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
pdf (9.68 MB) 418 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Stowageareas 313
Cargocompartment Cargocompartmentcover
Important safety notes
Onits own, the cargo compartment cover
cannot secure or restrain heavy objects,
items of luggage and heavy loads. You could
be hit by an unsecured load during sudden
an accident. There is an increased risk ofr
injury or even fatal injury. u
:Cargotie-downrings Always store objects so that they cannot befeat
flung around. Secure objects, luggage or
Baghook loads against slipping or tipping over, e.g. byand
using tie downs, even if you are using the
GWARNING cargo compartment cover.
The bag hooks cannot restrain heavy objectsWhenloadingthevehicle,makesurethat
or items of luggage. Objects or items of lug-!
gage could be flung around and thereby hityoudonotstacktheloadinthecargocom-Stowage
vehicle occupants when braking or abruptlypartmenthigherthantheloweredgeofthe
changing directions. There is a risk of injury.side windows. Do not place heavy objects
Only hang light objects on the bag hooks.ontopofthecargocompartmentcover.
Never hang hard, sharp-edged or fragileThe cargo compartment cover is located
objects on the bag hooks. behind the rear bench seat backrest.
!Thebaghookcanbearamaximumloadof Extending/retracting the cargo com-
6.6lbs (3kg) and should not be used topartmentcover
secure a load.
:Baghook XToextend:pullthecargocompartment
retainers ; on the left and right.
and guide it forwards by grab handle :
until it is fully retracted.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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