owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| WARNING Pilot Assist attempts to regulate the speedWARNING
smoothly. In situations that demand sudden brak-
The Pilot Assist function is supplementary Pilot Assist is not a collision avoidance
• ing the driver must brake himself/herself. This•
driver support intended to facilitate driv-applies in case of large speed differences or ifsystem. The driver must intervene if the
ing and make it safer – it cannot handlethe vehicle in front brakes suddenly. Due to thesystem does not detect a vehicle in front.
all situations in all traffic, weather andlimitations of the camera and radar unit, brakingPilot Assist does not brake for people,
road conditions. •
may come unexpectedly or not at all.animals, objects, small vehicles (e.g.
The driver is advised to read all sections cycles and motorcycles), low trailers as
• Pilot Assist aims to follow the vehicle ahead in
in the Owners Manual that relate to thisthe same lane at a time interval set by the driver.well as oncoming, slow or stationary vehi-
function to learn about factors such as itsIf the radar unit cannot see any vehicle in frontcles.
limitations and what the driver should bethen the car will instead maintain the speed setDo not use Pilot Assist in demanding sit-
aware of before using the system (see •
the list of links at the end of this article).and stored by the driver. This also takes place ifuations, such as in city traffic, at junctions,
the speed of the vehicle ahead increases andon slippery surfaces, with a lot of water or
Pilot Assist must only be used if there areexceeds the stored speed.slush on the road, in heavy rain/snow, in
clear lane lines painted on each side ofThe following applies for cars with automaticpoor visibility, on winding roads, on slip
the lane. All other use involves increasedgearbox: roads, or with a trailer connected to the
risk of contact with surrounding obstacles car.
that cannot be detected by the function.Pilot Assist can follow another vehicle at
Pilot Assist is not a substitute for the driv-speeds from 0 km/h up to 200 km/h
• (125 mph). IMPORTANT
ers attention and judgement. The driver
is always responsible for ensuring the carPilot Assist can give steering assistance fromMaintenance of Pilot Assist internal compo-
is driven in a safe manner, positioned cor-almost stationary up to 140 km/h (87 mph).nents must only be performed at a workshop
rectly in the lane, at the appropriateThe following applies for cars with manual gear-- an authorised Volvo workshop is recom-
speed, with an appropriate distance tobox: mended.
other vehicles, and in accordance withPilot Assist can follow another vehicle at
current traffic rules and regulations.• Round bends and when the road splits
speeds from 30 km/h (20 mph) up toPilot Assist interacts with the driver, who should
Pilot Assist regulates the speed with acceleration200 km/h (125 mph).therefore not await the steering assistance from
Pilot Assist can give steering assistance from
and braking. It is normal for the brakes to emit a• Pilot Assist but should always be prepared to
low sound when they are being used to adjust30 km/h (20 mph) up to 140 km/hincrease his/her own steering input, especially on
the speed. (87 mph). bends.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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