owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| Pilot Assist is reactivated in the followingthe driver sets Pilot Assist in the standby
When Pilot Assist is following another vehicleway: mode.
at speeds in excess of approx. 30 km/h• Press the steering wheel button .Automatic activation of parking brake
(20 mph) and the target is changed from aDepress the accelerator pedal. In certain situations, the parking brake is applied
moving vehicle to a stationary vehicle, Pilot• in order to keep the car stationary.
Assist will ignore the stationary vehicle and> Pilot Assist resumes following the vehicle
instead accelerate to the stored speed. ahead if it starts moving forward withinThis takes place if Pilot Assist is holding the car
The driver must then intervene him/ 6 seconds. stationary with the foot brake and:
herself and brake. the driver opens the door or takes off his/her
Automatic standby mode with change of Pilot Assist can hold the car stationary for aPilot Assist has kept the car stationary for
target maximum of 5 minutes - then the parkingmore than approx. 5 minutes
Pilot Assist is disengaged and set in standbybrake is applied and the function is disen-the brakes have overheated
mode: gaged. •
the engine is switched off.
Before Pilot Assist can be reactivated, the•
when the speed is below 5 km/h (3 mph)
• parking brake must be released. Related information
and Pilot Assist is uncertain whether the tar-
get object is a stationary vehicle or some • Pilot Assist* (p. 307)
other object, e.g. a speed bump. Cessation of automatic braking Activating and starting the Pilot Assist*
when the speed is below 5 km/h (3 mph)In some situations, automatic braking ceases on(p. 311)
and the vehicle in front turns off so the Pilotcoming to a standstill and Pilot Assist is set inManaging the speed for Pilot Assist* (p. 313)
Assist no longer has a vehicle to follow.standby mode. This means that the brakes are•
released and the car may start to roll - the driver• Setting the time interval for Pilot Assist*
Automatic braking must therefore intervene and brake the car him-(p. 314)
For shorter stops in connection with inching inself/herself to keep it stationary.Deactivating/activating the Pilot Assist*
slow traffic or at traffic lights, driving is automati-This may take place in the following situations:(p. 315)
cally resumed if the stops do not exceed Overtaking assistance with adaptive cruise
approx. 3 seconds - if it takes longer before thethe driver puts his/her foot on the brake•
• control* or Pilot Assist* (p. 300)
vehicle in front starts moving again then Pilotpedal
Assist is set in standby mode with automaticthe parking brake is applied • Limitations of Pilot Assist* (p. 319)
braking. •
the gear selector is moved to P, N, or R posi-• Symbols and messages for Pilot Assist*
• (p. 320)
318 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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