owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● The CRUISE indicator light may blink whenTosetcruisingspeed,acceleratethevehicletoToresetatafastercruisingspeed,useoneof
the cruise control switch is turned ON whilethedesiredspeed,pushtheCOAST/SETswitchthe following three methods.
pushing the ACCEL/RES, COAST/SET, orand release it. Take your foot off the accelerator● Depress the accelerator pedal. When the
CANCELswitch. To properly set the cruisepedal. Your vehicle maintains the set speed.vehicle attains the desired speed, push and
control system, use the following proce-● Topassanothervehicle,depresstheac-release the COAST/SET switch.
dures. celerator pedal. When you release the
pedal, the vehicle returns to the previously● Push and hold the ACCEL/RES switch.
WARNING set speed. Whenthevehicle attains the speed you de-
Donotusethecruisecontrolwhendriving sire, release the switch.
under the following conditions:● Thevehicle may not maintain the set speed● Push and release the ACCEL/RES switch.
● When it is not possible to keep thewhen going up or down steep hills. If thisEach time you do this, the set speed in-
vehicle at a set speed. happens, drive without the cruise control.creases by about 1 MPH (1.6 km/h).
● InheavytrafficorintrafficthatvariesinTo cancel the preset speed, use one of theToresetataslowercruisingspeed,useone
speed. following three methods. of the following three methods.
● Onwindingorhilly roads. ● PushtheCANCELbutton. ● Lightly tap the brake pedal. When the ve-
● Onslippery roads (rain, snow, ice, etc.).● Tapthebrakepedal.hicle attains the desired speed, push the
● In very windy areas. ● Push the ON·OFF switch off. The CRUISECOAST/SETswitchandreleaseit.
Doing so could cause a loss of vehicleindicator light in the vehicle information dis-● PushandholdtheCOAST/SETswitch.Re-
control and result in an accident.play goes out. lease the switch when the vehicle slows to
The cruise control is automatically canceled if:the desired speed.
CRUISECONTROLOPERATIONS ● Push and release the COAST/SET switch.
The cruise control allows driving at a speed be-● you depress the brake pedal while pushingEach time you do this, the set speed de-
tween 25 - 89 MPH (40 - 144 km/h) withoutthe ACCEL/RES or SET/COAST switch.creases by about 1 MPH (1.6 km/h).
keeping your foot on the accelerator pedal.The preset speed is deleted from memory.
● the vehicle slows down more than 8 MPHTo resume the preset speed, push and re-
To turn on the cruise control, push the(13 km/h) below the set speed.lease the ACCEL/RES switch. The vehicle re-
ON·OFFswitchON.TheCRUISEindicatorlight turns to the last set cruising speed when the
in the vehicle information display will illuminate.● youmovetheshift lever to N (Neutral).vehicle speed is over 25 MPH (40 km/h).
Starting and driving 5-31

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year of production from: 2013

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