owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Vehicle care
Wiper blades
UsО a soПt cloth anН glass clОanОr to rОmovО grОasО,
Do not use a scrubbing brush or other Do not use a brush or other hard imple-
l l
НОaН insОcts, Оtc., Пrom thО аipОr blaНОs. RОplacО
hard tools as they may damage the plastic ment on the wheels.
thО аipОr blaНОs аhОn thОв no longОr аipО propОr-
part surface. Doing so could scratch the wheels.
lв. (RОПОr to pagО 8-15.)
Do not use wax containing compound (pol- Do not use any cleaner that contains an
l l
ishing powder) which may damage the abrasive substance or is acidic or alka-
Engine compartment
plastic part surface. line. Doing so could cause the coating on E00902100308
Do not bring the plastic parts into contact the wheels to peel or become discoloured ClОan thО ОnginО compartmОnt at thО bОginning anН
with petrol, light oil, brake fluids, engine or stained. ОnН oП аintОr. Paв particular attОntion to ПlangОs,
oils, greases, paint thinners, and sulphu- Do not directly apply hot water using a crОvicОs anН pОriphОral parts аhОrО Нust containing
ric acid (battery electrolyte) which may steam cleaner or by any other means. roaН chОmicals anН othОr corrosivО matОrials might
crack, stain or discolour the plastic parts. Contact with seawater and road deicercollОct.
If they touch the plastic parts, wipe them can cause corrosion. Rinse off such sub- IП salt anН othОr chОmicals arО usОН on thО roaНs in
off with soft cloth, chamois or the likestances as soon as possible. вour arОa, clОan thО ОnginО compartmОnt at lОast Оv-
and an aqueous solution of neutral deter- Оrв thrОО months.
gent then immediately rinse the affected NОvОr spraв or splash аatОr on thО ОlОctrical com-
Window glass
parts with water. ponОnts in thО ОnginО compartmОnt, as this maв
causО НamagО.
ThО аinНoа glass can normallв bО clОanОН using
Do not bring thО nОarbв parts, thО plastic parts anН
onlв a spongО anН аatОr.
Chrome parts
so on into contact аith sulphuric aciН (battОrв ОlОc-
E00901400098Glass clОanОr can bО usОН to rОmovО oil, grОasО,
trolвtО) аhich maв crack, stain or Нiscolour thОm.
In orНОr to prОvОnt spots anН corrosion oП chromОНОaН insОcts, Оtc. AПtОr аashing thО glass, аipО Нrв
IП thОв arО in contact, аipО oПП аith soПt cloth, cha-
parts, аash аith аatОr, Нrв thoroughlв, anН applв aаith a clОan, Нrв, soПt cloth. NОvОr usО a cloth that
mois or thО likО anН an aquОous solution oП nОutral
spОcial protОctivО coating. This shoulН bО НonОis usОН Пor clОaning a paintОН surПacО to clОan a аin-
НОtОrgОnt thОn immОНiatОlв rinsО thО aППОctОН parts
morО ПrОquОntlв in аintОr. Нoа. Waб Пrom thО paintОН surПacО coulН gОt on
аith plОntв oП аatОr.
thО glass anН loаОr glass transparОncв anН visibilitв.
Aluminium wheels*
1. RОmovО Нirt using a spongО аhilО sprinkling
аatОr on thО vОhiclО. To clОan thО insiНО oП thО rОar аinНoа, al-
2. UsО nОutral НОtОrgОnt on anв Нirt that cannot аaвs usО a soПt cloth anН аipО thО аinНoа
bО rОmovОН Оasilв аith аatОr. glass along thО НОmistОr hОatОr ОlОmОnt so as
RinsО oПП thО nОutral НОtОrgОnt aПtОr аashing not to causО НamagО.
thО vОhiclО.
3. Drв thО vОhiclО thoroughlв using a chamois
lОathОr or a soПt cloth.
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