owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure in-
structed in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity(Approximate) Recommendedspecifications
USmeasure Impmeasure Liter
Fuel 21-1/8gal 17-5/8gal 80 Unleadedpremiumgasolinewithanoctaneratingofatleast91AKI(RON96)*1
Engineoil(Drainandrefill)*6 OAPICertificationMark*2,*3
Withoilfilter change 5-7/8qt 4-7/8qt 5.6 OAPIgradeSJorSL,EnergyConserving*2,*3
Withoutoilfilter change 5-1/4qt 4-3/8qt 5.0 OILSACgradeGF-II&GF-III*2,*3
Withreservoir 10-3/8qt 8-5/8qt 9.8 GenuineNissanLongLifeAntifreeze/Coolantorequivalent
Reservoir 7/8qt 3/4qt 0.8
Powersteeringfluid(PSF) Refill to the proper oil level according to the instructions in the “8.GenuineNissanPSForequivalent*4
Brakefluid Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself”section GenuineNissanSuperHeavyDutyBrakeFluid*7orequivalentDOT3
Automatictransmissionfluid — — — GenuineNissanMaticJATF*5
Differential gear oil — — — APIGL-5ViscositySAE80W-90*8
Multi-purposegrease — — — NLGINo.2(Lithiumsoapbase)
Air conditioning system refrigerant— — — HFC-134a(R-134a)
Air conditioning system lubricants NissanA/CSystemOil
Windshieldwasherfluid GenuineNissanWindshieldWasherConcentrateCleaner&AntifreezeFluidorequivalent.
*1: Foradditionalinformation,seelaterinthissectionforfuelrecommendation.
*2: Foradditionalinformation,seelaterinthissectionforengineoilandoilfilterrecommendation.
*3: Foradditionalinformation,seelaterinthissectionforrecommendedSAEviscositynumber.
*4: ForCanada,NissanAutomaticTransmissionFluid(ATF),DEXRON III/MERCON ,orequivalentATFmayalsobeused.
*5: UsingautomatictransmissionfluidotherthanGenuineNissanMaticJATFwillcausedeteriorationindriveabilityandautomatictransmissiondurability,andmaydamagetheautomatictransmission,whichisnot
*6: Foradditionalinformation,see“Engineoil”inthe“8.Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself”sectionforchangingengineoil.
*7: Available in mainland US through your INFINITI dealer.
*8: Forhotclimates,viscositySAE90issuitableforambienttemperaturesabove0°C(32°F).
9-2 Technicalandconsumerinformation

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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