owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
3. Remove the gauge. number is the tire’s load index. It is a
4. Read the tire pressure on the gauge measurement of how much weight
stem and compare it to the specifica- each tire can support. You may not
tion shown on the Tire and Loading In- find this information on all tires be-
formation label. cause it is not required by law.
5. Add air to the tire as needed. If too H: Speed Rating. The speed rating de-
much air is added, press the core of notes the speed at which a tire is de-
the valve stem briefly with the tip of signed to be driven for extended pe-
the gauge stem to release pressure. riods of time. The ratings range from
Recheck the pressure and add or re- 98 miles per hour (MPH) to 186 MPH.
lease air as needed. (You may not find this information on
6. Install the valve stem cap. all tires because it is not required by
7. Check the pressure of all other tires, SDI1575 2 TIN (Tire Identification Number) for
including the spare. (Refer to the j
1 Tire size (example: P215/60R16 94H)new tire (example: DOT XX XX XXX
“Wheels and tires” section.) j XXXX)
TIRE LABELING P: The “P” indicates the tire is de-DOT: Abbreviation for the “Department
signed for passenger vehicles. of Transportation”. The symbol
Federal law requires tire manufacturers to(Not all tires have this information.)can be placed above, below or to
place standardized information on the Three-digit number (215): This number the left or right of the Tire Identi-
sidewall of all tires. This information iden-gives the width in millimeters of thefication Number.
tifies and describes the fundamental char-tire from sidewall edge to sidewall1st two-digit code: Manufacturer’s
acteristics of the tire and also providesedge. identification mark
the tire identification number (TIN) forTwo-digit number (60): This number,2nd two-digit code: Tire size
safety standard certification. The TIN canknown as the aspect ratio, gives the3rd three-digit code: Tire type code
be used to identify the tire in case of a re-tire’s ratio of height to width.(Optional)
call in case of recall. R: The “R” stands for radial. 4th four-digit code: Date of Manufac-
Two-digit number (16): This number isture
the wheel or rim diameter in inches.Four numbers represent the week and
Two- or three-digit number (94): Thisyear the tire was built. For example,
8-34 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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