owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
FUEL RECOMMENDATION Gasoline specifications If you use oxygenate-blend gasoline,
Use unleaded premium gasoline with an INFINITI recommends using gasoline thatplease take the following precautions as
octane rating of at least 91 AKI (Anti- meets the World-wide Fuel Charter specifi-the usage of such fuels may cause vehicle
Knock Index) number (Research octanecations where it is available. Many of theperformance problems and/or fuel system
number 96). automobile manufacturers developed thisdamage.
If premium gasoline is not available, un-specification to improve emission systemO The fuel should be unleaded and have
leaded regular gasoline with an octaneand vehicle performance. Ask your servicean octane rating no lower than that
rating of 87 AKI number (Research octanestation manager if the gasoline meets therecommended for unleaded gasoline.
number 91) may be temporarily used, butWorld-wide Fuel Charter specifications.O If an oxygenate-blend, excepting a
only under the following precautions:Reformulated gasoline methanol blend, is used, it should
O Have the fuel tank filled only partially contain no more than 10% oxygenate.
with unleaded regular gasoline, andSome fuel suppliers are now producing(MTBE may, however, be added up to
fill up with unleaded premium gaso- reformulated gasolines. These gasolines 15%.)
line as soon as possible. are specially designed to reduce vehicle O If a methanol blend is used, it should
emissions. INFINITI supports efforts to-contain no more than 5% methanol
O Avoid full throttle driving and abrupt wards cleaner air and suggests that you(methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). It
acceleration use reformulated gasoline when avail-should also contain a suitable amount
CAUTION able. of appropriate cosolvents and corro-
Gasoline containing oxygenates sion inhibitors. If not properly formu-
lated with appropriate cosolvents and
Using a fuel other than that specified couldSome fuel suppliers sell gasoline contain-corrosion inhibitors, such methanol
adversely affect the emission control ing oxygenates such as ethanol, MTBEblends may cause fuel system damage
system, and may also affect warranty cov-and methanol with or without advertisingand/or vehicle performance problems.
erage. their presence. INFINITI does not recom-Atthistime,sufficientdataisnotavail-
mend the use of fuels of which the oxy-abletoensurethatallmethanolblends
Under no circumstances should a leaded genate content and the fuel compatibilityare suitable for use in INFINITI ve-
gasoline be used, because this will damagefor your INFINITI cannot be readily deter-hicles.
the three-way catalyst. mined. If in doubt, ask your service sta-If any undesirable driveability problems
tion manager. such as engine stalling and hard hot
Technical and consumer information 9-3
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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